Obama is an unabashed socialist, and the Democratic Party is an
unashamed guerrilla band of anti-business, tax-and-spend liberals bent on
destroying the American Dream by punishing hard-working entrepreneurs
and small business owners in order to pay for social services
benefitting the weak, the lazy, and the government-teat-suckling
post-hippie stoner generation of anti-capitalistic communists, flag
burners, and lifetime welfare recipients.
that what the right is always accusing? Is that not the sole purpose
for Rupert Murdoch's creation of the Fox News Network – to tell these
truths to the American people and open their eyes to the devastation
socialism is bringing to the United States?
us assume for a moment that everything that comes out of the mouths of
Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and Megyn Kelly is
irrefutable fact.
is it, then, that Democrats have, as of this writing, agreed to cut
more than $50 billion from Obama's 2011 fiscal year budget proposal?
Republicans are stereotyped as fearmongering war profiteers, corporate
lackeys, and radical Bible thumpers, it's fair to say Democrats are most
often stereotyped as anti-business, tax-and-spend defenders of big
yet, it was the Democrats in Congress who voted for a bill in December,
signed into law by Obama, to extend tax cuts for all Americans, even
the richest income earners. And now they're negotiating with Republicans
to reduce government spending in order to quell the conservative base,
whom Republicans promised during the 2010 midterm campaign to cut
spending by exactly $100 billion.
we to believe Democrats are so afraid of a government shutdown they're
willing to abandon the core tenets of their ideology, even though the
history of 1995 tells us that a shutdown spurred by uncompromising
fiscal hawks will pay huge election dividends to the party defending
against such massive cuts to social programs? Do they actually believe –
as, apparently, a strong bloc of conservative voters did in 2010 – that
the deficit is so disgustingly high that Chinese debt collectors will
foreclose our homes, repo our cars, and sell the bone marrow they sucked
from our children's spines if we don't get our fiscal house in order?

Does any American, particularly the most patriotic among us (those within the Tea Party, of course), actually
believe that the deficit monsters will go back into hibernation if
Democrats accept the nice, round $100 billion in budget cuts proposed by
House Republicans? Will that gargantuan 3.7 percent reduction in the deficit keep us safe from the financial collapse Republicans warned us about in 2010?
course, these are all rhetorical questions. The only reason the deficit
is a concern is that Republicans made it a concern as part of a
carefully orchestrated campaign strategy designed to scare the masses
out of their recliners and into the voting booths. Congratulations, GOP.
It worked.
When the Federal Reserve
announced in February of this year that it had increased its economic
growth predictions to as much as 3.9 percent for 2011, the problem of
the national deficit suddenly looked less apocalyptic than it had in
November, when projections for 2011 growth were a respectable but
unflattering 2.7 percent.
economic growth means more government revenue, which means a lower
deficit. At 3.9 percent growth, the deficit would fall to $113 billion
in 10 years, according to a Time magazine
analysis. That doesn't include the hundreds of billions the nation will
save at the end of 2012, when tax cuts for the rich are set to expire.
(Obama and Democrats have vowed to allow this expiration, although they
have supported extending the cuts for Americans making less than
$250,000 annually.)
Complete the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq and end the occupation of Afghanistan by 2014, and we're looking at a government surplus by the time Obama leaves the White House... in 2016.
that's all beside the point. The apocalyptic deficit forecasts during
the campaign served one purpose for the Republicans Party, and it wasn't
to raise awareness about any real threats to American sovereignty.
point is that we've allowed the media to portray the Obama
Administration's emergency response to the recession as a sign of his
socialist governing philosophy even though he agreed to the GOP's
demands to spend $800 billion on tax cuts largely benefiting the rich
and spending cuts to social programs largely benefiting the working
class, the poor, and the elderly.
said, don't expect the Republican sound machine to take it down a notch
on the socialism rhetoric. Fox has a business to run, after all.
(Cross-posted at Muddy Politics.)
Credits: cartoon, graph. Labels: Barack Obama, Bush tax cuts, Fox News, Republicans, U.S. budget