Sign of the Apocalypse #16: Love or statutory rape?
Two SOTA in a row!
But there's something sad about this one. As reported in the Times:
With respect to this particular case, my instinct, prior to reflection on the merits of the case, is to side with the couple and to oppose prosecution. But, of course, the law was broken, and I'm not sure I want to see laws prohibiting sex with minors to be ignored or repealed. Such laws, after all, are meant to protect minors, who are too young to consent to sex, from predators. But was Matthew Koso a predator? Did he take advantage of Crystal? I'm not sure, but his recent actions suggest that he means to take responsibility for his actions and otherwise to support his new family. He must be prosecuted, perhaps, but this may be a case where the state would be best advised to go lightly. Indeed, "experts said it was extremely rare for a man to be prosecuted for statutory rape when he has married his minor partner". Probation seems reasonable, along with continued monitoring of the situation, perhaps until Crystal turns 16.
But this may also be an exceptional case that deserves exceptional treatment. Here's the bigger problem (and the SOTA):
These statistics are a mere footnote to what has become a widely-circulated human-interest story, but they tell us something about the state of America's youth -- or, at least, about the state of youth in Kansas and Nebraska. And that something isn't good.
For more, see:
But there's something sad about this one. As reported in the Times:
On Sunday evening, Matthew Koso tipped three ounces of formula into his 5-day-old daughter's mouth, then hoisted her atop his shoulder in hope of a burp. On Tuesday morning, he is scheduled to be arraigned on charges for which the newborn is the state's prime piece of evidence.
Mr. Koso is 22. The baby's mother, Crystal, is 14. He is charged with statutory rape, even though they were wed with their parents' blessing in May, crossing into Kansas because their own state prohibits marriages of people under 17.
The Nebraska attorney general accuses Mr. Koso of being a pedophile; they say it is true love...
Outrage over the case has rippled through this town of 4,800 about 100 miles from both Omaha and Kansas City, and to two state capitals. The governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, embarrassed by her state's status as one of the few allowing children as young as 12 to marry, has said she will propose a raise in the minimum age when the Legislature reconvenes in January.
Meanwhile, [Attorney General] Jon Bruning's office has been deluged with letters, the vast majority angrily urging that he leave the couple alone. One, from a woman named Patricia, said, "I'm sure your time can be better spent putting away real criminals."
With respect to this particular case, my instinct, prior to reflection on the merits of the case, is to side with the couple and to oppose prosecution. But, of course, the law was broken, and I'm not sure I want to see laws prohibiting sex with minors to be ignored or repealed. Such laws, after all, are meant to protect minors, who are too young to consent to sex, from predators. But was Matthew Koso a predator? Did he take advantage of Crystal? I'm not sure, but his recent actions suggest that he means to take responsibility for his actions and otherwise to support his new family. He must be prosecuted, perhaps, but this may be a case where the state would be best advised to go lightly. Indeed, "experts said it was extremely rare for a man to be prosecuted for statutory rape when he has married his minor partner". Probation seems reasonable, along with continued monitoring of the situation, perhaps until Crystal turns 16.
But this may also be an exceptional case that deserves exceptional treatment. Here's the bigger problem (and the SOTA):
Studies show that one in five teenagers have sex before they turn 15, and about 150,000 babies are born each year to a minor parent. In Nebraska, there were 25 births to mothers under 15 in 2002, the latest year for which statistics are available. In Kansas, five girls under 15 were married in 2003, three in 2002 and six in 2001.
These statistics are a mere footnote to what has become a widely-circulated human-interest story, but they tell us something about the state of America's youth -- or, at least, about the state of youth in Kansas and Nebraska. And that something isn't good.
For more, see:
Is it rape iif she says yes?
I remember being 12 years old. I was fully aware of the consequences of sex (pregnancy, disease, fun) nad wasn't that easily hoodwinked. Certainly no more than many of the women I have rendered insensible with drink and lured back to my evil bachelor lair to have my wicked masculine way with.
Statutory rape laws are ridiculous. Saying that people under the age of 16 are any less capable than making decisons re: sex than older folk is akin to saying negroes should not vote because they are sub human.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
What I really want to know is: Why can't these men wait until the girl is a woman? Is 6 years really that long to wait for "true love"?
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
I hope Berty never has a daughter.
Anonymous, at 12:30 PM
The originator states "did he take advantage of the girl? I dont know."
This is why the law exists, so that if a person is committed to the minor, all they have to do is keep the pecker in the pants for some time so that it is clear that solid choices are made and not simply the pull of the pecker.
For those who buy into the argument that minors are able to make good choices about sex, than they should be AT LEAST as strong proponents for crimes committed by minors to be prosecuted as adults as this also is an issue of responsible choices.
For some stupid reason people think that SEX is a choice that requires LESS responsibility than renting and driving a car. Whereas: 1/5 people have STD, 1/4 new cases STD are in minors(, and 1/10000 peoples deaths via vehicle crash , 12% involving minors (CDC,NHTSA. While if I understand the chart on STD morbidity correctly about 1/250 stds result in death, STDs Vs Vehicle death may not be the best statistic to show that minors are substantively LESS responsible in sex than driving.
Anonymous, at 12:59 AM
We need to understand what is love and do not mix it with other things!
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM
This is some very valueable information, thank you very much.
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Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
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cicicocuk, at 5:31 PM
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Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
I remember being 12 a long time previous. I used to be fully conscious of the consequences of sex (pregnancy, disease, enjoyable) nad was not that simply hoodwinked. Surely no more than several with the women I've rendered insensible with drink and lured again to my evil bachelor lair to possess my wicked masculine way with.
Statutory rape laws are ridiculous. Saying that individuals under the age of 16 are any much less able than making decisons re: sex than older people is akin to declaring negroes ought to not vote simply because they are sub human
bob risna, at 2:32 PM
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