Sign of the Apocalypse #29: The rise of Ryan Seacrest
So Ryan Seacrest, he of American Idol fame/infamy, is the new Dick Clark. He's just signed what is reported to be a three-year, $21-million dollar deal to host and produce for the E! network, according to CNN.
It's not that I hate the guy, and it's not that I think he's completely without talent -- surely even vapid TV hosting requires some sort of "talent". But something's seriously wrong when Ryan Seacrest makes $7 million a year while millions of Americans live in poverty and, at best, struggle to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck.
I can understand how and why a great actor or athlete makes millions to entertain us. But... the host of American Idol?
It's not that I hate the guy, and it's not that I think he's completely without talent -- surely even vapid TV hosting requires some sort of "talent". But something's seriously wrong when Ryan Seacrest makes $7 million a year while millions of Americans live in poverty and, at best, struggle to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck.
I can understand how and why a great actor or athlete makes millions to entertain us. But... the host of American Idol?
His seven million dollar paycheck is for entertaining those who live in poverty. Not to say it is right or just, but until someone tells them to stop watching shit like American Idol, they're going to keep on watching it and talking about it at work the next day as if that were the end all and be all of life. Popular televsion is eerie in that it is force fed to those who watch it, and hyped by their connections, and ultimately serves as a commercial for products that it shows overtly (through spot ads) or subversely (through what contestants wear, etc). The degree of manipulation scares me and is a sure sign of the apocalypse for real.
Oh, and to Susan above -- Paris Hilton is the American aristocracy.
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM
If a vapid, apparently un- or at least minimally-educated, blonde dummy like Paris "Sex Tape Queen" Hilton is American aristocracy...! No wonder the country is in the crapper!
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM
I think Ryan is a DISH ! I just wish he would come out of the closet and join us boy's in the daisy chain!C'mon Ryan buddy, there's a lot of guy's who "idolize" you !
Anonymous, at 1:33 AM
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Anonymous, at 10:50 AM
cennetin çocukları izle
Lida Dai Dai Hua Jiao Nang Seo Yarışması
Lida Dai Dai Hua Jiao Nang Seo Yarışması
yurtiçi nakliyat
zrmbilisim katkıları ile 2009 seo yarışması
Googleda çıkma
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
Thanks you very good; thanks for add to your informations;
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
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söve, at 12:06 PM
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
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