Sarah Palin, pranked
As you may have heard already, a couple of notorious radio hosts on Montreal's CKOI-FM -- The Masked Avengers -- called Sarah Palin today pretending to be French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
I generally don't like "comedy" like this -- tricking people and making them look stupid -- even when Palin's the target.
But it is somewhat funny when "Sarkozy" talks about wanting to go hunting in helicopters with Palin (and, in French, mentions killing baby seals); claims that he can see Belgium from his house (which he obviously can't); says his "special Canadian advisor is Johnny Hallyday; says that singer Stef Carse is the prime minister of Canada and comedian Richard Z. Sirois the premier of Quebec; and asks if Joe the Plumber is Palin's husband (and then says the French equivalent is "Marcel the guy with bread under his armpit" -- in response, Palin says, "right, that's what it's all about...").
And, of course, Palin is utterly oblivious throughout.
She even laughs when "Sarkozy" says he just loves "killing those animals" ("take away a life, that is so fun"), and, in response to "Sarkozy"'s comment that they shouldn't take Cheney, says that she'd be "a careful shot."
She also doesn't catch on when "Sarkozy" gives the wrong names for the prime minister and premier. (Though it may be too much to fault her for not knowing the name of the premier -- it's Jean Charest, by the way -- but she doesn't even blink in responding that "Sirois" hasn't been to one of her rallies.).
It's also funny when she brings up the real Sarkozy's "beautiful wife," singer Carla Bruni: "You've added a lot of energy to your country with that beautiful family of yours," says Palin, chuckling, adding, "give her a big hug from me." Whereupon "Sarkozy" informs Palin that his wife is "so hot in bed" and has even written a long for Palin. In French, the title of the song is "Red Lipstick on a Pig," but "Sarkozy" translates it as "Joe the Plumber."
And when "Sarkozy" refers to "the documentary they made on your life," the "really edgy" Hustler video Nailin' Paylin. Palin replies, cluelessly: "Oh, good, thank you, yes."
Whereupon "Sarkozy" comes clean: "Governor, you've been pranked." Leading to an amusing last few seconds of confusion on Palin's end.
Well, okay, it's actually much funnier, as I'm going over it again for this post, than I first thought. But, if check it out for yourselves. Here it is: