Closing the door on open government
Funny, I could have sworn the Democrats were aware that they were put back into power because the people were fed up with the back room dealing and selling us out to the corporations. Maybe they forgot already. How else to explain this secret free trade deal that I understand was basically written by corporate lobbyists?
This is a deal that Bush wants and corporate interests love. The DLC and the Democratic leadership endorse it but half the Democrats are reported to oppose it. I'd suggest the "leadership" and the rest of the old guard machine politicians heed their warnings. If we wanted more policy making like this, we could have just cloned Dick Cheney.
Mid-sized American manufacturers and labor organizations already oppose the deal based on what little information they've been able to get from the press releases. The details are still a secret. A secret. What possible justification is there for keeping the business of the people, from the people? This is of major import. We want to be in on the whole process. The negotiations on this deal should be conducted openly and with opportunity for public debate.
Any politician that endorses the methodology used to reach this devil's pact on the future of worker's rights should stop shopping around for a buyer for their DC digs. After the next election, they won't need them. You might want to remind them of that and send an easy one step email to your Representative and Senators here at Public Citizen.
(Cross-posted at The Impolitic.)