Kerry and Iran
I recently asked two questions:
Tough questions, indeed, but it seems we all should have listened to... John Kerry.
(No, The Reaction has not become an all-Kerry blog. I like him, but not that much. I'm just giving him the credit he deserves. He's right about Alito and he seems to be right about how best to deal with Iran.)
Dear Michael,
I read your posts and some, although not much, of what you link to. It is indeed a tough one. What does puzzle me, though, amid my own serious concerns and reservations about the course the imbecile AN has charted, is that, judgeing by the sort of critique you link to about Levi's discussion of America, there is still some ability at work left to distinguish silly representations from the more serious ones. Why does it normally stop when the pundits get to Iran or to the ME more generally? An annoying riddle for me, if there ever was one!
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
Those ambiguities of language! I trust you understood that I merely meant the pundits. You I normally read with relish!
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
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