Out of touch, off base, and irrelevant
By Capt. Fogg
Well of course I'm a demented, deranged, hair-on-fire, crazy liberal kike, personally responsible for the economic debacle -- at least that's what some Rush Limbaugh supporters tell me and who am I to argue? I'm obviously "out of touch, off base, and irrelevant" in my displeasure with the Republicans -- just like a two-thirds majority of America.
The Democrat, liberal, immigrant-loving, freedom-hating big spenders are taking the country straight to hell now that my fringe element minority of 65% has removed the thrifty, honest and morally upright Republican majority from control -- that is if the "terrorists" don't take over Des Moines and kill us all with flouride first.
Yes, that's right, Republicans stand for limited government, but not just yet, and markets so free they're lawless. They're all for the unlimited freedom to obey, for massive military spending without oversight, for massive transfers of wealth to offshore corporations -- without oversight; and so much do they believe in it, they are happy to listen to your phone calls, read your mail, intercept your e-mails and faxes and peek in your windows to make sure you're happy about it.
What are we going to do, now that they're gone? And how sad it is just when they were about to turn the Democrat sabotaged economy around with even more borrowing, spending and tax cuts for billionaires.
So anyway, when you read John Yoo's memo to Bush in Newsweek asserting that "First Amendment speech and press rights may also be subordinated to the overriding need to wage war successfully," you can be sure it's only the Jew-bastard liberals lying through their long noses. Even so, unlimited power for the President is only another way of looking at limited government. Ask Rush to explain it to you.
(Cross-posted from Human Voices.)
Well of course I'm a demented, deranged, hair-on-fire, crazy liberal kike, personally responsible for the economic debacle -- at least that's what some Rush Limbaugh supporters tell me and who am I to argue? I'm obviously "out of touch, off base, and irrelevant" in my displeasure with the Republicans -- just like a two-thirds majority of America.
The Democrat, liberal, immigrant-loving, freedom-hating big spenders are taking the country straight to hell now that my fringe element minority of 65% has removed the thrifty, honest and morally upright Republican majority from control -- that is if the "terrorists" don't take over Des Moines and kill us all with flouride first.
Yes, that's right, Republicans stand for limited government, but not just yet, and markets so free they're lawless. They're all for the unlimited freedom to obey, for massive military spending without oversight, for massive transfers of wealth to offshore corporations -- without oversight; and so much do they believe in it, they are happy to listen to your phone calls, read your mail, intercept your e-mails and faxes and peek in your windows to make sure you're happy about it.
What are we going to do, now that they're gone? And how sad it is just when they were about to turn the Democrat sabotaged economy around with even more borrowing, spending and tax cuts for billionaires.
So anyway, when you read John Yoo's memo to Bush in Newsweek asserting that "First Amendment speech and press rights may also be subordinated to the overriding need to wage war successfully," you can be sure it's only the Jew-bastard liberals lying through their long noses. Even so, unlimited power for the President is only another way of looking at limited government. Ask Rush to explain it to you.
(Cross-posted from Human Voices.)
Labels: civil rights, John Yoo, Obama Derangement Syndrome, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh
yes- but john 'the walrus' bolton said that the turrists would (or was it should?) hit chicago to teach that liberal, socialist, commie bastard obama a lesson. and somehow, in spite of all of the drive by media coverage of el rushbo, i missed what he said about the impending turrist doom for america. damn you and your liberal lying ways for distracting me ;)
billie, at 10:59 AM
That's what we're here for.
Stay tuned, I'm sure the dogs will begin to bark all too soon.
Capt. Fogg, at 2:09 PM
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