Don't Rush me
By Capt. Fogg
Thinking back to the dear dead days of Father Coughlin and the childhood of right-wing hate radio, it seems like neither active opposition nor the deliberate ignoring of their brand of theater is as effective as allowing their own success to put them outside the pale of justification for or acceptance of their propaganda.Coughlin whose bigotry and anti-Semitism trapped him when Hitler became an enemy, had his network taken away after he became an embarrassment to the Church and indeed to the country.
Nobody outside of the lunatic fringe can really, if they are honest, think Rush Limbaugh's bombast has been anything other than full support for all that's torpedoed America, from his apparent acceptance of torture, to his steadfast denial of the growing sickness of our economy; from denying the dishonest origins of the Iraq war to the dishonest, scabrous, sleazy and relentless attacks on those who opposed the outrages of the George Bush presidency. He has become identified with the vicious kind of campaign that helped sink the Palin-McCain candidacy by making Obama seem all the more a man of integrity. I don't think I'm being fatuously optimistic to think he may go down with the ship he helped sink.
said Ron Paul in an uncharacteristic understatement during a telephone interview with CNN's John Roberts this morning.
I would add that it's to the world's advantage, but that's just my opinion. If I were a Republican, even a more characteristic Republican than Paul, like Michael Steele, for instance, who said on CNN Saturday:
I would have to agree that it sure as hell is and yes, his dirty, nasty, mean-spirited, and unencumbered by honesty rhetoric is just the kind of thing to associate him with the party people rightly associate with bringing down a prosperous economy, putting our country in danger and protecting crooks and tyrants in their quest to make a mockery of liberty and the institutions that protect it.
said Congressman Paul. Some of us of course have been saying that for a number of years -- Democrats, to be specific -- and we do remember being called traitors for agreeing with what the "new" GOP now seems to be trying to be seen saying. We remember being called traitors, loonies, dementia sufferers, Marxists and a long list of epithets of unrestrained hyperbole by Limbaugh and his fellow polemicists.
Although, as a habitual Democrat, I wouldn't mind seeing Limbaugh go down with his leaky, worm eaten ship of shame, it would be far better for us all if there really were a new Republican Party that really did believe a bit more along Libertarian lines and particularly if it were led by someone who is capable of maintaining a dialog rather than hiding larcenous demagoguery behind a smokescreen of war and pretended patriotism. So far no one but Mr. Paul comes to mind.
(Cross-posted from The Swash Zone.)
Thinking back to the dear dead days of Father Coughlin and the childhood of right-wing hate radio, it seems like neither active opposition nor the deliberate ignoring of their brand of theater is as effective as allowing their own success to put them outside the pale of justification for or acceptance of their propaganda.Coughlin whose bigotry and anti-Semitism trapped him when Hitler became an enemy, had his network taken away after he became an embarrassment to the Church and indeed to the country.
Nobody outside of the lunatic fringe can really, if they are honest, think Rush Limbaugh's bombast has been anything other than full support for all that's torpedoed America, from his apparent acceptance of torture, to his steadfast denial of the growing sickness of our economy; from denying the dishonest origins of the Iraq war to the dishonest, scabrous, sleazy and relentless attacks on those who opposed the outrages of the George Bush presidency. He has become identified with the vicious kind of campaign that helped sink the Palin-McCain candidacy by making Obama seem all the more a man of integrity. I don't think I'm being fatuously optimistic to think he may go down with the ship he helped sink.
I think a lot of people like to hear what he's saying but I think it's also a little bit polarizing and confrontational,
said Ron Paul in an uncharacteristic understatement during a telephone interview with CNN's John Roberts this morning.
I guess the Democrats think its to their advantage if he's leading the charge.
I would add that it's to the world's advantage, but that's just my opinion. If I were a Republican, even a more characteristic Republican than Paul, like Michael Steele, for instance, who said on CNN Saturday:
Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment. Yes it's incendiary, yes it's ugly,
I would have to agree that it sure as hell is and yes, his dirty, nasty, mean-spirited, and unencumbered by honesty rhetoric is just the kind of thing to associate him with the party people rightly associate with bringing down a prosperous economy, putting our country in danger and protecting crooks and tyrants in their quest to make a mockery of liberty and the institutions that protect it.
[S]ome of us would like to see an approach that would emphasize personal liberties, civil liberties, looking at the drug war… It’s really the old Republican Party because even Limbaugh was a big supporter of Bush so he doesn’t have anything new either when it comes to bringing our troops home, not expanding the war in Afghanistan,
said Congressman Paul. Some of us of course have been saying that for a number of years -- Democrats, to be specific -- and we do remember being called traitors for agreeing with what the "new" GOP now seems to be trying to be seen saying. We remember being called traitors, loonies, dementia sufferers, Marxists and a long list of epithets of unrestrained hyperbole by Limbaugh and his fellow polemicists.
Although, as a habitual Democrat, I wouldn't mind seeing Limbaugh go down with his leaky, worm eaten ship of shame, it would be far better for us all if there really were a new Republican Party that really did believe a bit more along Libertarian lines and particularly if it were led by someone who is capable of maintaining a dialog rather than hiding larcenous demagoguery behind a smokescreen of war and pretended patriotism. So far no one but Mr. Paul comes to mind.
(Cross-posted from The Swash Zone.)
Labels: Republican Party, Ron Paul, Rush Limbaugh, talk radio
Gee -- for someone so out of touch, off base, and irrelevant, you sure do focus on Rush quite a bit. Me thinks you doth protest too much. Ignore him. Change the station. Obama won and the Democrats increased their congressional majorities. Rush, therefore, is of no threat and need not be discussed. Instead, you should focus on Michelle Obama's sleeveless dress. Now there's news for you!
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM
I find myself very amused by hair-on-fire left-wing loons complaining about Rush's incivility and 'dishonest' rhetoric. You might as well hang up your typewriter right now because you don't have a milliliter of credibility to make this kind of criticism.
Unlike you, I will occasionally listen to Rush, and what I hear is definitely incendiary, and something more than honest--INSIGHTFUL. You hate him because he's effective, and you can't be effective running around telling a bunch of easily disproven lies.
There is simply no one on the left that can hang with him in a rhetorical fight, or for that matter with Ann Coulter, and its scares the hell out of the left, so they resort to laughable attempts to condemn these icons of conservativism as 'uncivil'.
Hey--good luck with that. In the end, its not going to be about the rhetoric, but about the personal financial devastation left-wing policies are visiting on ordinary Americans. The right is going to do to you what you did to Bush--hang the albatross around your neck and throw you overboard.
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM
"the personal financial devastation left-wing policies are visiting on ordinary Americans."
What more can I say? Delusional, deranged, brains pickled by anger? No, I guess that's not quite enough is it? Stupid? Cowardly? I don't know -- dishonesty that vast is hard to sum up.
Nah - I dislike Rush because he's a mean bully, a loudmouth a liar and basically has been wrong about everything and because like Tokyo Rose or Lord Haw Haw, he's been preaching defeat and trying to undermine truth, justice and the American way.
Anyway, glad to have at least pissed you off, although pissing in face of anti-American traitors like you would be more satisfactory. Enjoy the effects of Republican economics dude - go out and borrow on your trailer and buy some more stock and keep complaining that Obama did this to you, you brainless, hysterical,demented sack of shit.
Capt. Fogg, at 7:35 PM
Republican economics??? How come so many of the crooks on Wall Street are KIKES -- JUST LIKE YOU! They voted for Gore, Kerry and Obama. They hate Bush just as much as you do, but they like their MONEY!!!!!! Who repealed Glass-Steagal - CLINTON - DEMOCRAT!!
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM
"You hate him because he's effective"
Effective? Losing control of Congress. Effective? Losing the presidency. Effective? Blocking the stimulus. Effective? Crying socialist. Effective?
The party of Rush can't see that he is leading them off a cliff.
creature, at 11:07 PM
So . . . if he's INEFFECTIVE, why do you keep complaining about him?
Anonymous, at 6:57 AM
I suspected you were a Nazi, but now that you've admitted it, I don't have to say anything more.
Capt. Fogg, at 8:31 AM
I wouldn't call it complaining. I'd call it ridicule.
creature, at 9:16 AM
So . . . if he's INEFFECTIVE, why do you keep ridiculing him?
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM
What - you think we're hurting his feelings? Just one more time, it's about his support for everything that's brought the country to it's knees. I really don't care if he thinks it's cute to humiliate the president's adolescent daughter, or doesn't know the difference between an electric co-operative and a Commune. The few Intelligent Republican leaders don't like him either and the only reason you do is because you're a Nazi.
Keep pretending he stands for limited government and fiscal responsibility, but if you want to talk about credibility you'll have to accept that you have none and that you are part of a fringe minority and that Ron Paul is not a hair on fire Liberal.
"If he's ineffective why do you ridicule him" doesn't even qualify as a fallacy, it's just a meaningless collection of words. Why do you keep repeating it? Go say ten Heil Rush's and get the hell out of here, you racist Nazi piece of snake shit.
Capt. Fogg, at 10:07 AM
You hate him because he's effective
So is an enema. Which, based on his behavior of late, he could use.
Mustang Bobby, at 10:39 AM
I bet you just LOVE enemas, Mustang Bobby!
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM
Thanks for the new low.
By the way, If I'm so ineffective and all that, why the hell are you so obsessed with me Nazi-boy?
Capt. Fogg, at 2:13 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
Anonymous, you confuse anger with derisive laughter. Keep it up; you're hilarious! Seriously, I read your comments out loud to my co-workers when they need a good laugh.
Mustang Bobby, at 5:44 PM
Fascinating -- and there are so many different Anons out there. Is it I, or someone else?
Liberals are very good at "laughing" at conservatives. It's an irritating, grating form of bullying, because there'e no way to respond to the "laughers" other than to murder them.
Anonymous, at 8:06 PM
Nzai? Is that some sort of Bantu greeting? And of course calling me Kike for the second time is only going to get you deleted regardless of what you may have learned at Ellis Island when your misbegotten ancestors oozed into the country.It wasn't me who deleted your last National Socialist anti-Semitic diatribe, but it will be me this time. By the way, I'm not gay, just ask your sister.
There - it's done - abracadabra, one more psychotic Republican deleted. No more Joe the scumbag.
"laughing" at conservatives. It's an irritating, grating form of bullying, because there'e no way to respond to the "laughers" other than to murder them."
You self styled "consrvatives" tend to sound like feeding time at the alligator pit when you attempt to be humorous, but of course the sweeping generalities you invent reveal more about you than anything else. Somehow your crude wit is further diminished by your inept spelling, but we don't need to go into that.
Watching CPAC, it was hard to see anything but mockery -- and rather crude mockery at that, based on grotesque hyperbole and false accusation. Perhaps Paul was the only exception.
I don't know what you hope to achieve here other than to entertain some other idiots who may be listening. I'm hardly intimidated by your veiled threats of murder or your use of racial epithets. It's the mark of the coward actually -- and of course that's just what you are.
Capt. Fogg, at 9:18 AM
But Fogg, it's a tpyo, I mean a typo, not a spelling mistake. Get it right, would ya?!?!
Anonymous, at 10:46 AM
So then you were really trying to type Kook but your hands got sticky and. . .
Capt. Fogg, at 4:01 PM
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