Morning oatmeal

Hey all! our esteemed ringmaster, Michael JW, suggested I post a brief introduction about myself. I'll try not to make this sound like a beatuy pageant intro.
Some of you in your wanderings have come across this bizarre little blog called Simply Left Behind.
That's me. I've blogged for the past three years after much
The most important element that you need to know about my writings is that I will try to connect dots for you. I am deeply schooled in a lot of things (my ex calls me a jack-off of all trades... I think that was supposed to be a compliment), and I like to think of my writings as jazz: not everyone is going to like or even read them, but those who do usually drink pretentious wines, smoke too much weed, and speak in loud voices in cafés -- NO! I mean, the people who read it once, and enjoy it, are hooked.
So that's me, in a nutshell: a nut!
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