Shoot the Mexicans, says Joe the Plumber
Yeah, so you remember how John McCain and Sarah Palin and pretty much every other Republican drooled over Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher as a voice of good ol' middle American values, how he became a staple on the right-wing media circuit, and how he became a prominent Republican himself?
Well, he's running for Congress in Ohio's 9th district, going up against incumbent Marcy Kaptur, and he's still spewing the good ol' Republican views that made him famous. Like this gem, at a campaign event for a fellow Republican in Arizona on Saturday:
I'm running for Congress. How many congressmen or people running for Congress have you heard, put a fence up and start shooting? None? Well you heard it here first. Put troops on the border and start shooting, I bet that solves our immigration problem real quick.
That's right, he said U.S. border guards should shoot Mexicans trying to get into the country. Even if you think undocumented immigration is a serious problem, this is fucking insane.
But, then, what do you expect from Joe the Fucking Plumber?
I look foward to Republicans distancing themselves en masse from their beloved everyman.
Labels: 2012 elections, Joe the Plumber, Mexico, Ohio, Republicans, undocumented immigration
"I look foward to Republicans distancing themselves en masse from their beloved everyman."
Holding one's breath during the wait isn't advisable. Florida's Allen West is on record as wanting to deport Communists for their opinions and the test for communist status is disagreement with Allen West.
I guess Wuertzelbacher is somehow unaware of how many Mexicans come over the border legitimately and that the number has dropped precipitously since conditions here no longer look as good as they used to. But God help these people if they ever ran out of scapegoats. And watch that coward JTP disavow all this if some Bozo actually shoots some little girl.
Of course they never do.
Capt. Fogg, at 11:11 AM
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