Rubber-Stamp Romney
My thoughts on Mittens' selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate:
First off, if there was ever a signal that Romney is a weak candidate,
this was it. Classic politics is that a candidate plays to the base
until the nomination is secured and then pivots towards the center to
try and win the moderate/swing voters. Romney, who has spent the last
year telling anyone who would listen that he is "a severe conservative"
(and persuading hardly anyone), moved even more to the right to pick Ryan. This choice signals that Romney had to do more to try to secure
his base, that even though he had won enough delegates to win the
nomination, he hadn't closed the deal.
Second, Ryan handcuffs Romney to the right. Romney can't swing to the center with Paul cementing him in place.
Third, if anyone thought that Mittens could not have picked a running mate worse than the choice made by Grampaw McCain, they were proven wrong. The Obama campaign is going to hang Ryan's wingnutty policies around Romney's neck like a rotting albatross. If you thought that Romney's tax policies were a reverse Robin Hood, Ryan is that on steroids. As far as tax polices go, Ryan would string up the poor and the middle class by their heels and slit their throats so that the Koch Brothers and the Walton Clan could bathe in the warm blood of the wage-earning taxpayers.
Fourth, the far right has been clear that they expect a President Romney to function as a rubber stamp to whatever legislation they can get through Congress. They expect a President Romney to sleep to eight, walk into the Oval Office at ten, spend thirty minutes signing legislation passed by theChamber of Commerce Congress, and then
knock off for the rest of the day to go play with his dancing horses.
They expect a President Romney to make Dubya look like a workaholic.
And by picking Ryan, Romney has signaled that he is okay with being an
autopen for the GOP.
What I feared was that Romney would find a slightly more moderate Republican, maybe even one of theturncoat
blue-dog Democrats to run with him and that his operatives would have
been out spreading the word among the conservatives: "Whaddya going to
do, it's either Romney or that nigger Obama gets another term." That might have sucked enough swing voters to Romney to come close or even win.
That's not going to happen now. If anything, the left wing of the Democratic Party, which has been pretty upset by the fact that Obama's policies could well have originated from the George H.W. Bush Administration, are going to jump off the fence, open up their pockets, and go to work to re-elect him. With a center-right Romney, they might have thought "ecch, what's the difference" and gone through the motions.
Romney may have thought that he energized his base. But he has also energized Obama's base and given moderates a good reason to vote for Obama. Romney's path to power was looking harder each day as his negatives were climbing. He's now, in my estimation, about to go marching off the electoral cliff.
Lord knows that I've not been overly thrilled with Obama's presidency. But I don't see that I have a choice, now.
Second, Ryan handcuffs Romney to the right. Romney can't swing to the center with Paul cementing him in place.
Third, if anyone thought that Mittens could not have picked a running mate worse than the choice made by Grampaw McCain, they were proven wrong. The Obama campaign is going to hang Ryan's wingnutty policies around Romney's neck like a rotting albatross. If you thought that Romney's tax policies were a reverse Robin Hood, Ryan is that on steroids. As far as tax polices go, Ryan would string up the poor and the middle class by their heels and slit their throats so that the Koch Brothers and the Walton Clan could bathe in the warm blood of the wage-earning taxpayers.
Fourth, the far right has been clear that they expect a President Romney to function as a rubber stamp to whatever legislation they can get through Congress. They expect a President Romney to sleep to eight, walk into the Oval Office at ten, spend thirty minutes signing legislation passed by the
What I feared was that Romney would find a slightly more moderate Republican, maybe even one of the
That's not going to happen now. If anything, the left wing of the Democratic Party, which has been pretty upset by the fact that Obama's policies could well have originated from the George H.W. Bush Administration, are going to jump off the fence, open up their pockets, and go to work to re-elect him. With a center-right Romney, they might have thought "ecch, what's the difference" and gone through the motions.
Romney may have thought that he energized his base. But he has also energized Obama's base and given moderates a good reason to vote for Obama. Romney's path to power was looking harder each day as his negatives were climbing. He's now, in my estimation, about to go marching off the electoral cliff.
Lord knows that I've not been overly thrilled with Obama's presidency. But I don't see that I have a choice, now.
Labels: 2012 election, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Republicans
The Ryan choice does focus the campaign for those of us on the left. I'm poor, so the extent of contribution to the Obama campaign has been a $3 button, which I wear proudly despite the fact that his "policies could well have originated from the George H.W. Bush Administration."
What continues to bug me is the idea that other than DADT and Supreme Court appointments (which are important) we probably would have had more progressive policy under McCain. I understand that this is mostly due to the Republicans in Congress, but still. It really sucks.
Frankly Curious, at 3:04 PM
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