A Mormon and a Roman Catholic walk into a bar...
By tmcbpatriot
Stop me if you've heard this one. It's hilarious! Two white men, one a Mormon and the other a Roman Catholic, not to mention an avid follower of a woman who rejected all forms of faith and religion, walk into a bar... wait, no that can't be right. A Mormon would never walk into a bar.
Maybe that's what makes it so funny?
Actually, it's not really funny at all. It's actually quite scary. Yesterday, Mitt Romney announced Paul Ryan as his running mate. Hardly a surprise, but I have to say, I really though Mittens would have shown some balls and gone with Chris Christie. Christie is, after all, just what the GOP ordered. He is crass, over-indulgent, angry, a bully, and would sell his own mother for a few southern-fried steaks. In addition, Christie was the only VP contender who had any chance of reaching the middle, those so-called independents whom I lovingly refer to as morons.
You know them. They are the couch potatoes who learn about elections the week before, or the day of, and then vote for whomever they saw more during the commercial breaks of Season 12 of Dancing With The Racists.
Christie was the only one who really had any chance of relating to the middle class, not to menton all those uneducated types who just love it when a fat man insults reporters and anyone else who crosses his path.
But instead of choosing the guy who even Ann Coulter swore was the only candidate to beat Obama, (trust me on that; I will not link to anything she has written), Romney went with the safe choice. Safe as far as his Republican base is concerned. But what about the independents? Did Romney decide to cut them loose yesterday? It would seem so.
Paul Ryan is as right as they come. He may even be further than that. He may actually be someone who literally has no soul and who feels that "the individual should exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself." Of course, Ryan did not say that; Ayn Rand did. She is, by all accounts, one of Paul Ryan's idols. While others might say Jesus or their father inspired them, Ryan goes with Ayn Rand. Of course he will deny it. In fact, he already has.
But does it matter? There are many who will buy his denials and who know nothing of Ayn Rand or care to learn. And make no mistake, that is exactly what Romney is counting on. After all, Ryan is no friend of the middle class. He is no friend of the working man. He is no friend of anyone looking for help in any way. Romney? He is an empty vessel waiting to be filled with whatever radical information can be funneled in to his brain case.
Vote for Romney-Ryan and you will see a dystopian reality where wealth is absolute and everything else is subservient to it. Don't believe me? Okay. Here's a challenge for you. Find me a Mormon who is all-inclusive of outsiders. Now find me someone who publicly fawns over a woman who "condemned ethical altruism as incompatible with the requirements of human life and happiness" and who also wants to help the middle class get back on its feet.
Giving up already? Boy, that was fast.
But this is no laughing matter. We are just 86 days until election day, and Democrats have a lot of work ahead of them. Sure, Romney has given Dems plenty to laugh about, and I am sure Ryan will not disappoint either. But is this really about Dems and Repubs? Between them, the sides are even. What this is really about, what it is always ever about, is reaching those who are not paying attention and who are easily swayed by Super PAC ads and lies from highly rated cable "news" programs. In other words, it is possible that there are a lot of people out there who could be made to believe that a Romney-Ryan ticket is out to help them.
Wow! Now that is funny... except for the fact that it's really not.
Labels: 2012 election, Ayn Rand, Barack Obama, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Republicans
It is certainly true that Ryan appeals to the conservative base. But my working hypothesis is that the Ryan choice is the conservative establishment deciding that 2012 is most likely lost and putting Ryan in a position to be their candidate in 2016: Reagan 2.0!
Krugman has described the new team as "Galt / Gekko 2012," which is, as usual for him, brilliant. I'm working on a bumper sticker design.
Frankly Curious, at 12:45 PM
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