Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Big fucking deal

You know what, Biden was exactly right (as Gibbs tweeted). It was, and is, "a big fucking deal."

And he meant it in a positive way.

After all, Obama was signing into law a historic health-care reform bill that is, in some ways, the culmination of decades of advocacy and hard work.

No, it's not a perfect bill, as many of us have acknowledged repeatedly, but it's the effective start of a process that will, I think, lead to further reform, and significant improvement, down the road, as happened with Medicare and Medicaid.

As for Fox News, well, where was it when Cheney was dropping f-bombs -- as with his "go fuck yourself" to Leahy?

Sure, Biden should be careful around microphones, but whatever. This is hardly a big deal, even if Fox News wants to make it their distraction du jour.

Video here:

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