Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ann Coulter -- Liberal

By Capt. Fogg

I've been told for decades that the culture of victimhood is a Liberal thing; that the lazy slackers of America simply pretend to be victims when they could simply get a job instead of mooching the "hard earned" dollars of hard working Americans. I think I agree and that's why when Ann Coulter stunk up Ottawa today by claiming she's the victim of hate crimes by a University of Ottawa today. You see, the university’s vice-president of academic affairs and provost François Houle sent her an e-mail encouraging her to brush up on what’s considered acceptable in Canada whose laws about free speech may be unfamiliar to her. You have to admit that's just as egregious as lynchings, firebombings, painting swastikas on Synagogues and dragging some gay kid to death behind a truck. It's hate speech if I ever heard it and according to time honored righty dogma, claiming to be a victim makes Ann a liberal.
"You will realize that Canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges.”

said the e-mail and who could disagree that its message is in every way a conservative one: Learn the law and obey it. Ann is a Liberal, no doubt about it and even though the e-mail was obviously inspired by her previous performance in London, Ontario, it's a hate crime directed at consrvatives and what could be more liberal than that? At the University of Western Ontario, she attacked gay rights activists, the mainstream media, Barack Obama's administration and told a Muslim student to "take a camel" as an alternative to flying. Republicans have all been highly critical of any American criticizing the president or the government while abroad -- any Liberal American, that is -- so I'm expecting we'll hear them all chime in soon. Yes, cautioning someone whose actions have bordered on the criminal to be careful while in Canada is a hate crime if ever there was one and it's just like a liberal to ask for special rights for a minority group: psychotic blond transvestites. I think it's fitting to quote one of her most often used phrases, because it says it all:
"Liberals go wah -- they go wah, wah,wah."

And nobody gives a shit.

(Cross posted from Human Voices)

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  • Heh.

    But not at all, of course. Any rational individual has known for a good, long time that cultures of victimhood aren't unique to liberals.

    And no one ever said that Ann Coulter is rational.

    By Blogger Patrick Ross, at 11:58 PM  

  • Oh she has millions of followers who call her a "conservative" and that implies a reasoned position.

    She's part of a "there are no victims but me" culture and her caustic contempt for the real victims of the world is what makes this so galling. This is a very, very rich woman whose connections have let her walk away from voter fraud and who sees voter fraud where it isn't. Her very existence is a gross "fuck you" to everything true and decent in this world.

    It's good to know the Canadians shouted her off the stage yesterday. I'd be proud of the US had we done the same ages ago.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 9:28 AM  

  • I don't actually think there's anything proud about shouting her off stage.

    Rather, the protesters should have peppered her with questions afterward until she couldn't take it any more and inevitably freaked out.

    She has the right to speak freely -- and the rest of us have the right to criticize her freely.

    By Blogger Patrick Ross, at 1:21 PM  

  • Are you telling me that one is required to be polite to such a monster? Her sole forensic technique is to shout down adversaries, with a few death treats and accusations of homosexuality thrown in for bad measure.

    Not to boo her off the stage is complicity in her massive campaign of evil.

    "Gee Herr Hitler, I beg to differ with your final solution?" Don't be ridiculous.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 1:22 PM  

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