Sunday, November 22, 2009

Glenn Beck, "The Plan," and 100 years of anger, paranoia, and extremism

So what was Glenn Beck's big, massive, history-altering announcement? Is he running for office? Founding a PAC? Setting up a third party?

No, no, and no, but he is developing... (drum roll, please)... "The Plan" -- "a book that will provide specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps that each of us can take to play a role in this Refounding."

See, he wants America to be born again:

I have begun meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders. I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this brink and it will not be defeated easily. It will require unconventional thinking and a radical plan to restore our nation to the maximum freedoms we were supposed to have been protecting, using only the battlefield of ideas.

Well, at least it's not the battlefield of arms, as some on the militant right prefer.

On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country.

As the Times puts it, Beck is now styling himself a "political organizer." And, to be fair, he does have quite a few followers.

But let me repeat what I wrote yesterday: "Glenn Beck is dangerous. What he represents, what he leads, is a movement of darkness, of hatred and paranoia, of fear and resentment and bitterness." In a way, he's a great face for right-wing politics -- great for those of us who oppose the right, given the massive extent to which he single-handedly discredits conservatism, more so than Limbaugh and Hannity, O'Reilly and Coulter, Palin and Malkin, and all the rest. And his movement will surely hurt the Republicans far more than the Democrats, who could benefit from a divided right.

And it's hard to believe that he will ever be able to attract more than the disgruntled, alienated fringe, even at a time of economic uncertainty and widespread fear.

At No More Mister Nice Blog, Steve M. puts it well:

So now we see what Glenn Beck really is: He's basically a televangelist. A huckster. A late-night pitchman selling seminars and book/DVD/audio combo packages that will allegedly help you get rich through flipping real estate. A human-potential-movement cult leader who promises life breakthroughs in exchange for participation in costly "religious" or "therapy" programs.

He wants you to attend one (or, surely, many) of his "conventions." Will they be free? I strongly doubt it -- oh, maybe the first taste will be free, but after that, I'd guess no. And he wants you to buy the next book (and, surely several after that). And there's a "100 year plan" in the works -- you can't ever get off the mailing list because the good work he's involving you in is never done!

Still, I suppose we ought to take this seriously -- or at least take a cautious approach to it, not just laugh it off entirely. There's a great deal of darkness, hatred and paranoia, fear and resentment and bitterness out there -- and Beck will continue to tap into it not just to profit off it but to mobilize it, to give it all a political voice and a leader in Beck himself. And as much as he may want to wage his war on "the battlefield of ideas," he may not be able to contain what he proposes to unleash. He's the populist demagogue setting out to guide a movement and foment revolution, but history is littered with such leaders who lose control, and whose movements move off on their own.

Essentially, Glenn Beck is hoping to turn himself into even more of a cult of personality than he is now. He is still a joke, and a sham, but there are real dangers lurking in "The Plan," however silly it may appear to be. It would be unwise of us to ignore it, even as we hope for deep divisions on the right, even as we note the clear insanity that launches Beck into the stratosphere of delusion.

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  • What? I'm the first comment? Not suprising considering you spew the same pap that oberdork and that keanu reeves guy on MSNBC spew. Nobody watches them either. We, the American People are humored by your underestimation of Beck, Palin, etc. Revolution? no..simply a Restoration. Turning back the damage done by a hundred year of the godless left. You cannot comprehend what you have awoken. And this is hardly the beginning. Behold as the dithering, marxist man-child and the REVOLUTIONARIES around him continue to destroy the foundations of this country. Then in 2012, your worst nightmare Sarah Palin will arrive as President.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:44 PM  

  • Is it so hard to comprehend that there really are people like Beck who want to restore this country to the principles laid out in the original plan...the Constitution? I love my country more than I do either political party. As an American, you should too. If there are persons in either party that are taking steps in a direction that is further from what our Constitution describes, who else but the people will end the slide? Does that mean I can't be conservative, or that you can't still be liberal? No. But if either party is leading us away from our founding principles, why would you want to give them your vote?

    Stand with us, and rid the country of any and all politicians who don't stand for the ideals our founding fathers set forth. Sweep out the corruption and help us get this country back on track.

    BTW- Even if he does profit from it, is that so bad? Isn't that what we all strive to do, make money?

    Let me put it this way: If you could make money doing something you BELIEVE in, wouldn't you?

    Be honest.

    By Anonymous adamjw2, at 8:39 PM  

  • Hey, Anonymous, welcome back from the Delta Quadrant; a lot went on during the years 2001-2009 that you were obviously out of touch with reality.

    Turning back the damage done by a hundred year of the godless left.

    Would those include the years that included the administrations of William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, RONALD REAGAN, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush? Why, that's a total of 52 out of the last 100 years. So all this "restoration" you're nattering about is cleaning up after your elephants.

    By Blogger Mustang Bobby, at 8:39 PM  

  • Glenn Beck is the new Father Coughlin.

    By Blogger Mustang Bobby, at 8:40 PM  

  • Ok, Mustang, you're obviously still in the limited mindset of Elephants and Donkeys. Wake up! Many of us, myself included, have NEVER voted for a mainstream Rep or Dem - NEVER - know why? Because there is no difference! So, while you try to blame 2 extra years on the Reps, try to think about this - How many of those leaders were Progressives? Nearly all. THAT is what is unacceptable. We haven't had a real choice or a real debate in this country since Taft.

    My motto is Judge and Prepare to be Judged. Are you living up to all of the ideals that your progressive party espouses? I am willing and have been living up to my Libertarian/Capitalist ideals for years - I bet I sleep better a night.

    By Blogger Heather Bea, at 9:19 PM  

  • Heather, you're assuming a lot of facts without evidence about me.

    We've had a lot of alternative candidates in the elections since time out of mind. Have you forgotten Upton Sinclair, Huey Long, Henry Wallace, George Wallace, John Anderson, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, and any number of people who make it on to the ballot? Here in Florida last year, there were at least seven or eight names in the presidential choice on the ballot.

    They're out there. They just can't get anyone to buy their product.

    By Blogger Mustang Bobby, at 3:00 AM  

  • Wow! Dangerous? LOL! Yeah, cause you saw how crazy everyone acted in D.C. for the 9/12 rally, huh? Whew! What a bunch of extremists!

    You know what? You're a nutjob. Just like the mainstream media, you don't like Beck and his ideas, so you try to say he's dangerous, his fans are extremists, hate-mongers, and so on. I will tell you, for a FACT, there is not even a racist CELL in that man's body, not one. He isn't hate-filled or anything even close to it. You need to open your eyes, and actually watch his show for awhile. Because if you believe half of what you wrote, you aren't watching. And if you don't like it, get used to it anyway because you better bet your a$$ things are gonna change, soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:42 AM  

  • Beck wants to get corruption out of our government no matter what party or affiliation. How can that be a bad thing? Why do people attack him for it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:08 AM  

  • Beck wants to get corruption out of our government no matter what party or affiliation. How can that be a bad thing? Why do people attack him for it?

    Fine. Where was he when the government was illegally wiretapping telephones, outing covert CIA operatives for political revenge, and going to war based on lies? Selective outrage doesn't cut it.

    By Blogger Mustang Bobby, at 11:31 AM  

  • Glenn Beck is nothing more than a mouthpiece of the John Birch Society and the Posse Comitatus, mixed with a heavy dose of religious bigotry and delusional thinking. We need to reserve him and his followers a good spot the local psychiatric hospitals.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:56 PM  

  • Fine. Where was he when the government was illegally wiretapping telephones, outing covert CIA operatives for political revenge, and going to war based on lies? Selective outrage doesn't cut it.

    He has disagreed with a lot of things Bush did. Especially during his last 2 years in office. Look into it.

    But even if you choose not to believe that, you should be happy he is standing up now. Corruption is the enemy of both parties.

    There's nothing we can change about what happened in the past, all we can do is control what happens next.

    Should we let the corruption continue because the party in office has the right letter behind their name?

    We've given up on the party system and we are focusing on doing the right thing.

    Consider it.

    By Anonymous adamjw2, at 2:02 PM  

  • Glenn Beck is nothing more than a mouthpiece of the John Birch Society and the Posse Comitatus, mixed with a heavy dose of religious bigotry and delusional thinking. We need to reserve him and his followers a good spot the local psychiatric hospitals.

    Argue the facts please. Insults don't gain you any credit. Disprove something he has said please.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:05 PM  

  • Don't you know that unless you only care about the party names then you're a LUNATIC?

    Well, us crazy people who put country above party won't settle for the false option of a third party candidate who isn't even trying to win anymore.

    And we are going to settle this on George Washington's battlefield of ideas even though some on the militant left would prefer to solve it with violence.

    By Blogger Seraph of Storms, at 2:26 PM  

  • Disprove something he has said please.

    It's spelled O-L-I-G-A-R-C-H-Y.

    By Blogger Mustang Bobby, at 5:31 PM  

  • PS: Glenn Beck is not very original either.

    Sound familiar?

    By Blogger Mustang Bobby, at 5:36 PM  

  • Disprove something he has said?
    1) Obama is racist. Impossible since Obama is a mixed race person, raised by whites.
    2)The Rockefeller building is a communist symbol.

    How about this: you PROVE something he has claimed.

    By Blogger kcdad, at 8:58 AM  

  • M. Bob

    Another field day for logicians here!

    Some years ago, I talked to a Chinese woman who still believed in Maoism. When asked how she could justify Mao Zedong, she said, "Oh, I agree he made some mistakes." Pretty much like justifying Mussolini with the trope about the trains and just like these comments about this ex-junkie, alcoholic with ADD trying to wreak revenge on society.

    And again, a standard apology with the more liberal American Nazis is that Hitler was a bit extreme, but he had a point.

    Good point about Father Coughlin. What finally made him fade away and may have saved us from Fascism here was a war with a nation that shared his Weltanschauung.
    We don't have such an enemy at the moment, and I'm not sanguine about us surviving as a nation resembling the original model in any way.

    Of course trying to argue sincerely and honestly with these people only eggs them on. You simply can't win with people who argue by proclamation and false analogy. They're fighting for the survival of their doomed species after all, like cornered animals.

    I think I'll re-read Civilization and its Discontents.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 10:00 AM  

  • How about this: you PROVE something he has claimed.

    1. Van Jones is an admitted communist
    2. ACORN
    3. NEA is pushing Obama's agenda with your taxpayer dollars
    4. Anita Dunn's favorite political philosopher is Mao
    5. Obama is an anti-capitalist.

    BTW- Rupert Murdoch also said Glenn was right about Obama being racist.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:10 PM  

  • Wrong, Mr. Fogg. What eggs us on is the lack of substance among Beck's detractors. It just makes him look more right when you smugly bandy about terms such as "Father Coughlin", "ADD", "animals", "alcoholic" and the like in place of having a real point. An ad hominem attack now and then is to be expected but when 100% of your "point" consists of name-calling then you ought to ask yourself why it is you are making yourself look like a tool. Because if you don't have any substantive agreement with Beck then the only reason you're being so reactionary is because you're a pawn of the parties.

    By Blogger Seraph of Storms, at 4:09 PM  

  • "How about this: you PROVE something he has claimed."

    He does that pretty well himself. 24 pages of citations at the end of his latest book back him up. Glenn Beck was right that the frog he threw in the boiling water was rubber, Beck was right that FEMA wasn't operating concentration camps, he was right that central planning fails, that Progressives openly admired fascism until Hitler killed millions of people, that the founder of Planned Parenthood was a supporter of eugenics and Beck was right that Amtrak doesn't reserve specific seats for people. YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO BE MORE SPECIFIC.

    By Blogger Seraph of Storms, at 4:55 PM  

  • "Where was he when the government was illegally wiretapping telephones, outing covert CIA operatives for political revenge, and going to war based on lies?"

    Where are you when the president is expanding the wiretap program, throwing th entire CIA under the bus and half-assedly prosecuting those same wars rather than ending them? Because I know where Beck is.

    By Blogger Seraph of Storms, at 5:04 PM  

  • I like Glenn Beck. He is comedy gold. He is also selling comedy gold.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:07 PM  

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