Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bye Bye Norma Rae

By Capt. Fogg

You remember Norma Rae, although her name was Crystal Lee. Sally Field played the Union Organizer from Burlington, North Carolina in 1979 and won an Academy Award for the performance. Ms. Field, who presumably is financially secure, is still with us, but Crystal Lee, who wasn't, isn't. She got brain cancer she couldn't afford to treat, she had to battle her insurance company to live up to its contractual obligation, it stalled, and she died last Friday.

Sarah Palin is right, Death Panels are real and the health insurance companies all have them, practising "delay and deny" tactics that resulted -- intentionally -- in the death of the 68-year old Crystal Lee Sutton. Her insurance company interfered between her and her doctor, she couldn't afford chemo on her own, and some employee likely got a bonus for saving the company money.

Like most Republican arguments, the Death Panel idea illustrates the principle of projective accusation. If your president was guilty of more lies than any other in history, you start accusing the opposition of lying, and if you're lucky you can find a mote in his eye and gleefully use it to deny the giant sequoia in your own. Thus, to protect the insurance companies that profit by interfering in the doctor-patient relationship, dictate and deny treatment, and let people die unnecessarily, they accuse a system designed to stop it of doing the same thing. Americans are stupid enough to buy it.

Death Panels are real and Death Panels are inevitable because corporations are beholden to their stockholders, not to their insured clients. Actual panels of actual people get salaries and bonuses for obfuscating and delaying claims until it's too late, or for scouring your life for some unreported case of acne or the flu to justify denying your cancer claim. A large part of your premiums go, in fact, to pay for these Death Panels and to keep the stockholders happy.

Perhaps someone will chime in here and deny it. I hope so because I'm dying to say, You lie! I can't wait to tell the inevitable troll who will insist that just like public schools, public libraries, national parks, and the National Guard, government claims administration is socialism! You lie!

(Cross-posted from Human Voices.)

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  • Did she not receive any royalties from this movie?

    Next question: Since Sally Fields is so good at opening her big mouth (thinking she's being so cute a slick) to protest the war when she's a presenter at an awards ceremony, where was she when it came to helping out the one person who's story boosted her career all the way to an academy award and big paychecks? I guess she wasn't gonna have the same opportunity to be cute and slick this time during prime time so "this cause" wasn't worth Ms. Field's time.

    Where were all the hollywood elites who can't wait to open their pie holes every chance they get to tell us how we're not doing enough for those without? I didn't hear any of them coming to her. Where were you, Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell, etc...?

    Where was the hollywood studio who made millions off of the Norma Rae story when it came time to pitch in and help?

    Maybe we could have gotten Oliver Stone to hit up his new bestest friend Hugo Chavez for a few bucks to put towards Ms. Sutton's bills.

    But don't worry hollywood. Maybe in a few more days when Obama catches wind of this story and tries to tie it in to his "health care" bill, ya'll can all start chiming in on how this should have never happened and I'm sure Sally Fields will suddenly be leading the pack, while making up some kind of BS how even she tried to help Ms. Lee but the insurance providers just put up too many road blocks. Then, you can guarantee that Sally Fields will be waiting night and day for the phone to ring with new offers to star in movies, that I hope, will never come.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all of hollywood. I just hate the pious ones who like to shove their "I'm better and more saintly than you" attitude in all of our faces. You can usually spot them pretty easily. Most of the times their the actors and actresses that barely graduated high school (if at all) or dropped out of college within their first year. They're also the one's who think they know best about world politics and government (especially how much better everyone elses government is when compared to ours). Let's put things into perspective people. Most of these pious big mouths from hollywood are nothing more than what I call "Masters of Make Believe". They may good at what they do, but they need to keep it there and they definitely shouldn't make the kind of salaries they make for being great Make Believe Artists. That's no hero people! That's what's called huge egos.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:19 AM  

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