Monday, September 15, 2008

SNL does Palin: "I can see Russia from my house!"

By Michael J.W. Stickings

SNR isn't funny anymore, but, when it is, it's pretty freakin' funny. And Tina Fey does a great Sarah Palin, a truly worthy target.

Here's part of the transcript:

FEY AS PALIN: "You know, Hillary and I don't agree on everything..."

POEHLER AS CLINTON [overlapping]: "Anything. I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy."

FEY AS PALIN: "And I can see Russia from my house."

POEHLER AS CLINTON: "I believe global warming is caused by man."

FEY AS PALIN: "And I believe it's just God hugging us closer."

POEHLER AS CLINTON: "I don't agree with the Bush Doctrine."

FEY AS PALIN: "I don't know what that is."

So, in case you missed it...

(h/t: Greg Prince)

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