Monday, September 15, 2008

Consider the source

By Capt. Fogg

The Army Times can't easily be dismissed as part of the Liberal Elitist press, but guess who is questioning the honesty of John McCain?
Flip Flop or Fib? asked staff writer Bradley Penniston yesterday.

Obama promised, according to a McCain statement on Sept 8th, to "slow our development of Future Combat Systems."

Future Combat Systems is a program that is seen as the core of the program to modernize our military in keeping with future requirements.

This is not a time to slow our development of Future Combat Systems,

said McCain -- the very same McCain who back in July of this year declared to The Washington Post about the Army's FCS program:

[T]hat should be ended and the entire Pentagon budget should be scrubbed.

So what is this -- a flip-flop or a fib? To answer the question, the article quotes the Lexington Institute, a libertarian think tank, as calling McCain "deceitful":

McCain's interpretation of Obama’s position is typical of the way in which the Republicans have twisted Democratic views in order to undercut their opponents and at the same time obscure the past positions of the Republicans.

Considering the source, this is amazing material. Could it be that the troops have figured out who really supports them? Could it be that John, who has never been on the web, doesn't realize how easy it is for people to relate his words of today with his words of yesterday?

Anyway, to see such no-nonsense criticism in a publication that seems unlikely to support a Democratic candidate against a military "hero" might be seen as a glimmer of hope. If McCain loses the military vote, he may lose the election. If so, the question "is there a God?" may still remain, but the question "is there a Democracy?" will be answered.

(Cross-posted from
Human Voices.)

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