"Mem'ries, may be beautiful and yet / What's too painful to remember / We simply choose to forget"
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Don Imus -- STUPID BIGOT -- has settled with CBS and may return to the air on ABC. (So reports WaPo.)
Remember when the Imus thing was the biggest story of all time? And when there was such righteous outrage at what he said about the Rutgers women's basketball team?
Yeah, well, you know, short memories and all.
"I can't remember what happened eight minutes ago," Bart Simpson once said. "No, really, it's a serious problem."
Yes it is, Bart, yes it is.
Don Imus -- STUPID BIGOT -- has settled with CBS and may return to the air on ABC. (So reports WaPo.)
Remember when the Imus thing was the biggest story of all time? And when there was such righteous outrage at what he said about the Rutgers women's basketball team?
Yeah, well, you know, short memories and all.
"I can't remember what happened eight minutes ago," Bart Simpson once said. "No, really, it's a serious problem."
Yes it is, Bart, yes it is.
Labels: bigotry, talk radio
While what Imus said was inexcusable, the whole reaction was overblown and the media elites who loved to go on his show knowing full well what kind of show it was were astounding hypocrites once the brouhaha got going. I liked Imus in the Morning, not for the nonsense but because he actually did have longer, thoughtful interviews with people that you didn't really get anywhere else. Of course, I'm also a sucker for anyone who sticks it to Dubya and the gang as often as he did. He was a self-proclaimed Republican who was doing that long before it became fashionable for other GOP members to start talking that way, going so far as to vote and endorse Kerry in 2004. It also disturbed me to see the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leading the outrage charge given the history of equally bigoted statements both have been given a pass for. Above all other attributes, I'm a free-speech absolutist, even if the speech disgusts me (I'm looking at you Ann Coulter). It's a slippery slope that makes us closer to the likes of the Bush Administration, always seeking to punish those who say things they don't want said, instead of trying to accomplish thoughtful dialogue about issues. By the way, whatever happened to the plans of Sharpton and the others to take boycott threats to the purveyors of hip-hop music that say even more outrageous and misogynistic things and make oodles of cash for it?
Edward Copeland, at 10:57 AM
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