Thursday, March 16, 2006

The return of Al Gore?

Marshall "Bull Moose" Whittmann is predicting that "it is only a matter of time for the Draft Al movement to begin":

There is a huge vacuum in the Democratic Party and only the former Veep can fill it. The donkey has a big itch and only Al can scratch it...

It is unfathomable that the left will find itself unrepresented by a major candidate in the '08 race. Perhaps Feingold or a newly minted lefty John Edwards will fill the bill. However, the Moose thinks that the lefties will not be satisfied with near beer.

They want the old time religion preached by Reverend Al (Gore, that is).

Interesting. I like Gore a great deal -- I wrote about a potential '08 candidacy here -- but of course I also like Feingold and Edwards a great deal. And I don't necessarily think that the '08 candidate needs to come from the left (as the left is commonly understood). There are fine candidates, possible candidates, throughout the Democratic Party.

All of which is to say that I'm withholding any further commentary at the moment. There will be plenty of time for Democrats to debate amongst ourselves which way the party should go in '08. I look forward to it. In '06, however, with the midterms looming on the horizon, we need to remain united in opposition to the leadership at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

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  • I am not sure who those fine candidates throughout the party are. It's a weak bench.

    Gore is probably the best out there, in terms of qualification and potential appeal, but being out of office for eght years will not be a plus (and neither will Edwards's four years out). Candidates who are not current officeholders have a very poor track record in terms of getting nominated. Nixon was one of the few exceptions to this "rule."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 PM  

  • It does seem fairly weak, I must admit, though I suspect that some of them are up for the challenge. Being out of office could hurt both Gore and Edwards, but, on the flip side, being in office could hurt Biden and Bayh. I don't much care for Warner (as a presidential candidate, at least not yet), and Richardson doesn't do it for me. Hillary? Does she have too much baggage?

    By Blogger Michael J.W. Stickings, at 12:34 AM  

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