French philosophers have no chest hair

So this man -- the French "philosopher" Bernard-Henri Levy, a self-styled Tocqueville cluelessly and hyperbolically revelling in stereotype and superficiality -- thinks he knows America?
Well, see Garrison Keillor's review of Levy's American Vertigo here. See also the interesting exchange at Slate between Alan Wolfe and Franklin Foer here.
At least Levy doesn't hate America. And at least some of what he writes about America is on the mark -- provocative, if not entirely satisfying.
If interested, you can find his book here (and other Amazons around the world).
But, as they say, caveat lector.
I also read the Atlantic series. I was definitely underwhelmed. It was pretty much that he liked what you would expect an urban European to like and disliked what you would expect an urban European to dislike. He clearly does not hate America, but I didn't find much that was very enlightening. Nothing particularly offensive but I thought it was much ado about nothing. He didn't show a great deal of understanding or interest in things that were outside his kin. If he is comparing himself to Tocqueville, I wish that he would give me some of whatever he is smoking.
No way I would buy the book.
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM
I never imagined I'd see the day when Garrison Keillor would skewer someone. Did you? Did any of us? What effect will it have on Levy's psyche? Do we really care? Shall I stop asking pointless rhetorical questions to parody Garrison's review, and get out of here?
Bruce -- Harper Blue, at 1:24 PM
Very funny review. Thanks for the link. Speaking of which I just linked you up over at my place. Best...
Neil Shakespeare, at 1:25 PM
I'm sorry. I can't be rational about this -- a French guy with a nice chest who's fluent in English. Maybe he would be my affable but still frisson-engendering tour guide in Paris. In exchange, I could show him the ins and outs of my local New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicle inspection station. Sorry, didn't mean to go all Wonkette-y.
Grace Nearing, at 5:42 PM
Thanks, Neil. All the best to you, too. (Readers, make sure to check out Neil's blog by clicking on his name here or in my blogroll. It's excellent. And so is Linkmeister's blog, also in my blogroll.)
Bruce, you make a fine point (via parody). Keillor's review is funny, but I wouldn't suggest that he doesn't deserve a bit of skewering, too. His criticism of Levy is awfully narrow, after all, as if he's trying to distance himself from the America he doesn't like, the America that doesn't listen to NPR.
You may "get out of here," Bruce, but I hope you come back.
I agree, Marc. Much ado about nothing. Yet Levy was Jon Stewart's guest the other night. He doesn't really understand America, but he's unfortunately become something of a celebrity-philosopher.
Grace, I'm sure he would learn more about America at your local DMV than he did travelling from sterotype to stereotype. If I can find a way to connect the two of you, however, I'll do so. I'm sure he'd be a wonderful tour guide!
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 1:43 AM
Any man who condemns a whole nation as butchers and killers is a racist.
I dont give a F*** if he is jewish which is a get out of jail card for these matters, he has uttered racist comments on countless occassions.
You might hate america (or other nation) because it has its share of psychopaths, its polticians and its policies/wars/invasions which have brought misery and death to millions but to claim that americans are murdering psychopaths is ugly racism.
Let me run this by you:
Israelis are murderous animals who have to be put in their place.
How do you like this statement?
How would you categorize it?
THAT is who BHL is.
Anonymous, at 1:57 AM
good site
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM
good site
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
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