Monday, September 24, 2012

Reince Priebus is a fucking genius

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Two thumbs up for my beautiful mind!

As usual, Priebus got to be on TV yesterday, and... and... he... said... something that actually made some sense:

"It wasn't the best said moment in the campaign and probably not the best week in the campaign," Priebus said on ABC's This Week, reflecting on Mitt Romney's comments to donors that 47 percent of the country is dependent on the government for support.

He's right! (Is that a Sign of the Apocalypse?) It wasn't Romney's best moment or best week. He's a genius! Get that man a soapbox from which he can dispense such wisdom all the fucking time.

Ah, but this is Reince Priebus we're talking about, easily one of the most stupid partisans ever to have graced the leadership of the Republican Party. And while stating the obvious obviously wasn't all that much of a stretch even for him, at least this one time, the rest of what he said was the usual sheer and utter nonsense. Like:

Priebus, said it was a "defining moment" for both campaigns.

"I think both campaigns are crystallizing around a central theme which is going to be, 'What Kind of future do we want for our kids and grandkids? What type of America do we want for this country?'" Preibus said. "Do we want the cradle-to-grave-life-of-Julia-Obamacare-will-take-care-of-you-from-preschool-to-death America? Or do we want sort of a return to opportunity, liberty, freedom?"

Priebus added, "Barack Obama has made everything worse."

I get that it's the RNC chair's job to spin the ridiculous, but this is ridiculously demented. It's wishful thinking to think that this "defining moment" will benefit Romney, and of course it's just plain stupid, however predictable, to turn the election into a battle between socialism and freedom. But if Priebus is signalling that this is what the Romney campaign's reboot will mean, well, get ready for a lot more of it.

As for Obama supposedly making "everything worse." Uh...

Perhaps Priebus should ask the tens of millions of Americans who now have access to health insurance, regardless of pre-existing conditions, because of the Affordable Care Act.

Or perhaps he should ask the employees at General Motors and throughout America's domestic auto industry.

Or the gays and lesbians who can now serve openly in the military.

Or the children of undocumented immigrants who no longer face deportation.

Or Osama bin Laden -- oh, wait, he did makes things worse for him. A lot worse.

In case you didn't know, Priebus is a fucking idiot, an embarrassment even by the dismal standards of the RNC chairmanship.

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  • Barack Obama has made everything worse. Things were better back when he started. 700,000 jobs a month evaporating is better than this reality. Reince can boink a drain pipe, he's insane.

    By Anonymous toma, at 6:37 AM  

  • Things were better under Clinton. Bush made it tremendously worse. Obama took over when things were in free fall and they have improved fairly steadily ever since.

    700,000 jobs evaporating a month is NOT in any way better than an improving job market particularly when you remember that employment is a trailing indicator. Ignoring the cause of the recession: deregulation and massive upper bracket tax cuts combined with unprecedented and unnecessary spending, is an indicator that you are a dishonest and probably willfully uninformed troll which is less forgivable than being insane.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 9:13 AM  

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