Friday, April 05, 2013

Rick Santorum is not ruling out a 2016 presidential bid (oh, goody!)

It takes both hands to get my
head out of my ass every night.
It seems possible we might again have Rick Santorum to kick around. In an interview with Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg, he said he was "certainly leaving the door open for that." He followed that up by saying, "I'm making no commitments at this point, but we're not doing anything inconsistent with running in 2016."

As you might imagine, Santorum's pitch is that Republicans need to be more conservative to win next time. Yes, that's what he is saying:

"The same advisors who botched these last two campaigns are now saying, 'Well, you know, since we can't win with moderate Republicans, we have to now try to be liberal Republicans to win instead of standing up for the values that made our country great,'" he said.

"We have not had a nominee that is ready to go out and articulate a unified vision of what conservatism is, what America's first principles are about, and why we're the greatest country in the history of the world. And then we wonder why we don't win."

Yes, please. Be more conservative next time. Great idea. 

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