Mitt Romney is a sociopath
By tmcbpatriot
Folks, it is time to get serious. We are weeks away from the next election and it is crucial that you understand the stakes more than ever. And if I can get just one so-called "undecided" to vote for Obama, then my work will not have been for naught.
This past week we have seen something very troubling and it is high time somebody just comes out and says it:
Mitt Romney is a sociopath!
Of course the media won't say this. They are way too timid to tell us anything resembling the truth. So it is up to us lowly bloggers to do it. Yes, Mitt Romney is a sociopath who wants to be the president of the United States. This past week we have seen further evidence of his cold calculation and blantant decpeption, and it is important to understand exactly whom we are dealing with.
This past week went from Mitt Romney the "severely conservative" to Mitt Romney the "moderately compassionate conservative." It is insane and very, very nauseating to watch. Gone was his talk of how pre-existing conditions are for freeloaders. Gone was his talk of how those making less than $250,000 are government teet-suckers who care nothing for their lives. Gone was the man who wants to lower taxes for the 1% and wants to repeal Roe v. Wade. And gone was the man who has one of the most tea-partying neoconservatives as a running mate.
Instead, this past week we got a man who suddenly cares about everybody and wants to help those in need, even though any thinking person, or non-thinking person with a set of ears, knows this is an outright lie. Folks, this is serious business. What we are seeing is truly frigntening. After the first debate, Romney closed the gap between himself and President Obama simply because Obama epitomized Clint Eastwood's empty chair, and unless Obama comes out swinging at next week's debate we may be looking at allowing a sociopath into the White House for four and perhaps eight very long years.
The lies being told by Romney are breathtaking, and Republicans everywhere are taking notice, not to discount his moderate words, but to embrace them wholehearteldy if it means winning in November. At this point Republicans care nothing for Romney or what he says. They have made it clear that they know he is a liar and that he is not their favorite choice as a candidate. But is makes no difference to them. All Republicans care about is winning. This is how it has always been and how it will always be. The scariest part is that none of this is resonating with voters. That fact is evident after a single debate performance filled with blatant lies put Romney once more very close to winning this thing. Since that is the case, it is necesary to finally show what needs to be shown. The future of our country depends on it.
Folks, I give you:
Mitt Romney: Profile of a Sociopath
Good god, America! Wake up and do not do what I think you might be close to doing. Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Mitt Romney is a sociopath and must not become the next Presdient of the United States.
Any questions?
(Cross-posted at Take My Country Back.)
Folks, it is time to get serious. We are weeks away from the next election and it is crucial that you understand the stakes more than ever. And if I can get just one so-called "undecided" to vote for Obama, then my work will not have been for naught.
This past week we have seen something very troubling and it is high time somebody just comes out and says it:
Mitt Romney is a sociopath!
Of course the media won't say this. They are way too timid to tell us anything resembling the truth. So it is up to us lowly bloggers to do it. Yes, Mitt Romney is a sociopath who wants to be the president of the United States. This past week we have seen further evidence of his cold calculation and blantant decpeption, and it is important to understand exactly whom we are dealing with.
This past week went from Mitt Romney the "severely conservative" to Mitt Romney the "moderately compassionate conservative." It is insane and very, very nauseating to watch. Gone was his talk of how pre-existing conditions are for freeloaders. Gone was his talk of how those making less than $250,000 are government teet-suckers who care nothing for their lives. Gone was the man who wants to lower taxes for the 1% and wants to repeal Roe v. Wade. And gone was the man who has one of the most tea-partying neoconservatives as a running mate.
Instead, this past week we got a man who suddenly cares about everybody and wants to help those in need, even though any thinking person, or non-thinking person with a set of ears, knows this is an outright lie. Folks, this is serious business. What we are seeing is truly frigntening. After the first debate, Romney closed the gap between himself and President Obama simply because Obama epitomized Clint Eastwood's empty chair, and unless Obama comes out swinging at next week's debate we may be looking at allowing a sociopath into the White House for four and perhaps eight very long years.
The lies being told by Romney are breathtaking, and Republicans everywhere are taking notice, not to discount his moderate words, but to embrace them wholehearteldy if it means winning in November. At this point Republicans care nothing for Romney or what he says. They have made it clear that they know he is a liar and that he is not their favorite choice as a candidate. But is makes no difference to them. All Republicans care about is winning. This is how it has always been and how it will always be. The scariest part is that none of this is resonating with voters. That fact is evident after a single debate performance filled with blatant lies put Romney once more very close to winning this thing. Since that is the case, it is necesary to finally show what needs to be shown. The future of our country depends on it.
Folks, I give you:
Mitt Romney: Profile of a Sociopath
- Glibness and superficial charm
- Manipulative and conning
- Grandiose sense of self
- Pathological lying
- Lack of remorse, shame, or guilt
- Shallow emotions
- Verbal outbursts.
- Callousness / lack of empathy
- Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims
- Impulsive nature
- Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others
- "Gets by" by conning others
- Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams
- Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause
- Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed
- Lack of realistic plan / parasitic lifestyle
- Tends to move around a lot or makes all-encompassing promises for the future
- Exploits others effectively
- Criminal or entrepreneurial versatility
- Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution, changes life story readily
Good god, America! Wake up and do not do what I think you might be close to doing. Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Mitt Romney is a sociopath and must not become the next Presdient of the United States.
Any questions?
(Cross-posted at Take My Country Back.)
Labels: 2012 election, Mitt Romney
Functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI)shows that psychopathic personality traits and dysfunctional brain activity especially in the emotion-generating limbic system, primarily the amygdala, go hand in hand. Perhaps we should demand all presidental and vice-presidential candidates be given an appropriate test with a fMRI scan to see if they have this problem. It's far less invasive than a transvaginal ultrasound.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
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