Thursday, October 11, 2012

Behind the Ad: Let's remember the 47 percent. Mitt won't.

By Richard K. Barry

(Another installment in our extensive "Behind the Ad" series.)

Who: The Obama-Biden campaign.

Where: Ohio, Florida, and Virginia.

What's going on: The Obama campaign has no intention of letting anyone forget what Romney said about the 47 percent of Americans that don't matter to Mitt
. Let him apologize. What else is he going to do? The only thing he's sorry about is that he got caught saying exactly what he thinks. Now, how often does Mitt Romney say exactly what he thinks? I doubt he even knows exactly what he thinks, having contorted himself for so long trying to appeal to whomever he thinks might help him win the prize at any given moment. 

As CBS News reports, the ad, called "Earned,"

attempts to renew the focus on Mitt Romney's secretly-recorded comments describing 47 percent of Americans who see themselves as "victims" who are "dependent" on government largesse.

Yes, let's get back to that.

(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)

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