Friday, September 21, 2012

The tight-fisted Romney campaign

By Mustang Bobby

In spite of the fact that the big money is mostly on the side of the Republicans, the Romney campaign hasn't been spending much of it:

Despite what appears to be a plump bank account and an in-house production studio that cranks out multiple commercials a day, Mr. Romney's campaign has been tightfisted with its advertising budget, leaving him at a disadvantage in several crucial states as President Obama blankets them with ads.

One major reason appears to be that Mr. Romney's campaign finances have been significantly less robust than recent headlines would suggest. Much of the more than $300 million the campaign reported raising this summer is earmarked for the Republican National Committee, state Republican organizations and Congressional races, limiting the money Mr. Romney's own campaign has to spend.

With polls showing President Obama widening his lead in some of these states and the race a dead heat in others, Mr. Romney's lack of a full-throttle media campaign is risky, especially as he struggles to get his message out over the din of news about his campaign's recent setbacks.

It's not like they’re going broke or anything, but I'm guessing that most of the money the GOP is pulling in is going to state and local races because they know they're going to lose the presidential race and think the money is better spent on winning down-ticket like the Senate and House (although the Senate looks safe for the Democrats).

It must be tough to march in lockstep when you're racing for the exits.

(Cross-posted at Bark Bark Woof Woof.)

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