Thursday, November 03, 2011

More right-wing terrorism: Four men arrested in Georgia plotting to kill government officials

From the Times:

Four Georgia men who were part of a fringe militia group were arrested on Tuesday in what the Justice Department described as a plot to use guns, bombs and the toxin ricin to kill federal and state officials and spread terror.

The men, all aged 65 and over, were recorded telling an F.B.I. informant that they wanted to kill federal judges, Internal Revenue Service employees and agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, according to court documents.

We hear all the time, from conservatives and their various mouthpieces in the media, that it's not the right but the left that is the source of terrorism, including of the domestic variety. And yet the evidence points to the right and not to the left, whether it's the KKK or right-wing militias or renegade loners, whether it's killing civil rights workers, the attack in Oklahoma City, or any number of other incidents, large and small, that make up America's history of domestic, homegrown terrorism. As Blue Girl writes:

Remember how Ann Coulter proclaimed, with a straight face, that all political violence in this country "comes from the left"?

Yeah, I spit seltzer all over my screen when I saw that, too.

That's total bullshit. Violence in this country has always come from the right wing and 'twas ever thus. Well, except for that Revolution we had back in the late eighteenth century. That was a left-wing production. Something that a lot of people forget about that time -- even back then the south was a problem, and it was prone to employing terrorism to further it's aims. Read up on the Revolution in the Carolinas and Georgia. They had a treasonous history before they fired on Ft. Sumter, and those strains of Confederate treason still run deep. 

The evidence just keeps piling up.

(For more, see David Neiwert at C&L, who earlier this year also posted this map showing the various instances of terrorism directed at "liberal" and "government" targets since 2008.)

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