Thursday, November 03, 2011

So you wanted proof that Republican priorities are all out of whack?

Consider this:

President Obama invoked God on Wednesday as he criticized Congress for voting on commemorative coins and a resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto in all public buildings, public schools and other government institutions.

"That's not putting people back to work," Obama said. "I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people to work."

Obama called on Congress to approve his jobs package.

"There's no excuse for 100 percent of Washington Republicans to say no," Obama said. "That means Republicans in Washington are out of touch with Republican voters."

Obama continued: "The American people are with me on this."

I don't share Obama's religiosity, but otherwise he's right about this. The country is in trouble. People are out of work and struggling to make ends meet, if they even have enough to struggle with. Obama is trying to do something about that. The overwhelming majority of the American people are with him, as are many Republicans. 

But Republicans on Capitol Hill, extremists and obstructionists the lot of them, are too busy trying to score cheap political points by playing up their theocratic "patriotism" -- the last refuge of the right-wing scoundrel.

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