More South Carolina Republicans censure Lindsey Graham
Poor Lindsey Graham -- I say facetiously. Other than best pal John McCain, and maybe a few other senators, no one seems to like him, including in his solidly red home state of South Carolina, where he has been censured yet again by his own party:
Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who often finds himself out of step with the most conservative elements of his party, was censured by yet another GOP county party committee Monday night.
In recent months, Graham has been censured by GOP party committees in Lexington and Charleston counties. On Monday, the Greenville GOP Executive Committee passed a censure resolution by a vote of 61-2.
"THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Greenville County Republican Party hereby issues this formal rebuke of Senator Graham for his cooperation and support of President Obama and the Democratic Party's liberal agenda for the United States," the resolution reads.
The resolution says Graham will no longer be invited to participate in meetings or other events sponsored by the Greenville County Republican Party, and alleges Graham has "abandoned the Republican platform."
As evidence, the resolution cites Graham's votes in favor of TARP, his stance on immigration and his vote in favor of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Graham has said he will also vote for Elena Kagan, President Obama's second nominee to the high court.
Yes, but Graham also pulled back on immigration, as well as on the comprehensive energy/climate bill he was co-sponsoring with Kerry and Lieberman, and it takes a great leap of stupidity (common among Republicans everywhere these days) to accuse him of supporting any sort of "liberal agenda."
Not that I'm defending him, mind you (even if I'm a bit sympathetic, given the vicious heat he's taken from the right with respect to his sexuality). He can be a bit mavericky now and then, but he usually tows the GOP line and is for the most part reliably conservative -- where was he on health-care reform, for example?
Labels: Lindsey Graham, Republican Party, Republicans, South Carolina
Resolution Passed to Ban Lindsey Graham in the Greenville County GOP, SC 02AUG10
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM
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