Teabagging Democrats; or, The World According to Fox News Lite (aka CNN)
"Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party," blared the headline at CNN.com. Oh, really, I thought. Name five of them.
This sort of thing infuriates me. Once again, it's CNN, once a respected news network, trying to be Fox News Lite. It's enough to make you throw up, as I put it recently at HuffPo. And it's just the sort of gross misrepresentation of reality we've come to expect from what used to be, it never failed to remind us, "The Most Trusted Name In News."
As Libby points out, the article focuses on two disaffected Democrats at a rally in Colorado. That's it. Two. That's hardly a movement. That's hardly anything at all. There are all sorts of Democrats. Some are insane. I'm sure you can find a "Democrat," of a kind, in the KKK. But so what?
"Some Americans who say they have been sympathetic to Democratic causes in the past -- some even voted for Democratic candidates -- are angry with President Obama and his party," notes CNN. No, really? Say it ain't so! This may be the most pointless sentence I've ever read. Well, it's up there.
Apparently, only four percent of teabaggers self-identify as Democrats. So, CNN, what the hell's the point of the article? Here's Libby:
What CNN also fails to mention is they have a vested interest in promoting the tea party *movement*. CNN has a reporter currently embedded on the astroturfing Tea Party Express bus and the studio anchor is just dying to get on the bus for a couple of days himself. Without this kind of pimping by the tradmed, the tea parties would have deadended by now. Disgraceful. No wonder CNN is dying.
Labels: CNN, Democrats, news media, Tea Party movement, Teabaggers
Deserved, yes, but a good thing? I don't think so.
It reminds me of the idiocy of our senile auto industry, trying to meet the Japanese challenge by building what looks like last years Japanese car while ignoring what they're best at.
The hate junkies aren't going to abandon Fox for a foxy CNN, but anyone looking for fact based news isn't going to put up with the clumsy imitation.
Maybe it'll be good for MSNBC, but I don't think so.
Capt. Fogg, at 10:37 AM
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