Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Sestak contra Specter

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Rep. Joe Sestak: "[I]t is the right thing to get in this race."

That it be. That it be.

Sestak faces an uphill battle against Specter, who, after a rough start, is trying to look and sound more and more like a (loyal) Democrat (fundraising with Obama, defending Pelosi, seeking compromise on the EFCA, backing Sotomayor, etc.). And in a purple state like Pennsylvania, with Reagan Democrats the oft-targeted swing group (think back to the Obama-Clinton primary campaign), Specter's centrism is fairly popular already. (It helps that he's been a senator for so long. Even in a new party, the power of incumbency should propel him to victory.)

Still, Sestak is an admirable man with an impressive background, and I think it's only right that a real Democrat should challenge the quasi-/pseudo-Democrat for the nomination.

It's early, but I'm pulling for Joe.

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