Monday, November 24, 2008

Colmes leaves Hannity, tears flow

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Well, I don't know about the tears, but it's true that the Colmes-Hannity team on Fox News is splitting up.

And it's so, so sad... or perhaps it would be if I cared. I don't watch the show, and rarely the network, and, to me, Colmes was little more than an overwhelmed punching bag with no punch of his own, the perfect "liberal" for Hannity and Fox. In a certain other culture, Colmes's dishonourable behaviour would have required him to commit hara-kiri a long time ago.

(Of course, I suppose there's some appeal to being the co-host, even in name only, of a top-rated show. I doubt I'd ever turn such an opportunity down, but, then, I also wouldn't shy away from telling Hannity where to stick it.)

(Photo from here. Yeah, that's Colmes posing with McCain.)

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  • Alan Colmes deserves an award for sitting next to that jerk Hannity for all those years. Maybe he'll knock his lights out on the way out the door next month!

    By Blogger Jim, at 1:18 AM  

  • They're personal friends -- truly. Isn't that amazing? Unlike you people who take your politics to a level of personal pathology! Colmes' wife is Jocelyn Crowley. She is very liberal and very nice. She is the sister of Monica Crowley, who is very conservative and also very nice. Isn't that amazing? Monica introduced her sister to Colmes. Wow - caring about your family is more important than politics. I support President-elect Obama even though I voted for McCain. Do you know why? Because starting at Noon EST on January 20th, he will be the only President we have. That is not something you would ever do for a Republican president. You are truly the worst kind of haters.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:36 PM  

  • It's just that Republicans are almost invariably so awful, so profoundly ghastly that it's hard not to find them disgusting, inhuman, selfish, dishonest knuckle-draggers. We don't mean to hate them, honest, but it's hard to control. Republicans in power have done some of the worst things imaginable to humans and nature. They seem to be enraged (like Hannity and Reilly and Rush) and frightened and unfeeling and violent and cowardly and perverted so much of the time. But I'll try to learn to love them somehow. I really will.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:10 AM  

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