The pathetic implosion of Katherine Harris
I guess I can't get enough of Katherine Harris, who in the short span of a few weeks has gone from ignominious perseverance to desperate rebirth to complete and utter self-destruction. According to the Orlando Sentinel, Harris's sagging Senate campaign, which will be hit with yet more high-level resignations this weekend, is now "on the verge of collapse".
And -- guess what -- she's playing the victim card, as if everyone's just out to get her.
Well, boo-hoo. Boo-bleeping-hoo. Does anyone out there feel sorry for her?
And -- guess what -- she's playing the victim card, as if everyone's just out to get her.
Well, boo-hoo. Boo-bleeping-hoo. Does anyone out there feel sorry for her?
I've actually had warm feelings for Katherine Harris ever since that memorable appearance on hannity and Colmes. Of course, I'm really happy that she's going to lose all her money giving Bill Nelson another six years in the Senate.
Neil Sinhababu, at 8:56 PM
As far as I'm concerned, the blood of 2300+ Aerican service men and women and that of countless thousands of Iraqi civilians are on her hands. Poor trust fund baby. I saw the Hannity interview. What a phony, narcisistic bitch. I really thought she was going to cry.
Yellow Dog, at 12:28 AM
She does seem utterly phony and narcissistic. Even this last-ditch religiosity seems fake -- it's certainly self-serving.
There's a reason the base still loves her. It knows full well she rigged the recount. The party leaders do, too, of course, but they're a little more circumspect. They won't admit so openly what we all know already.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 1:11 AM
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