Who is the prime minister of Canada?
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See if you can spot the gross ignorance/indifference. This is from Scott McClellan's Tuesday press briefing:
Q: Can you talk a little bit more about Cancun and the other side of the talks, with Canada -- border, immigration? Are those high priorities?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, this will be -- you're talking about Canada? I mean, the President had a -- first of all, had a good discussion with Prime Minister Martin [sic] yesterday. That was a call that Prime Minister Martin [sic] initiated, really to thank the President on behalf of the people of Canada for the efforts of our coalition forces, our American forces, part of the coalition, to rescue the hostages last week, including one Canadian.
But I think that when you're looking at this trip, first of all, it was last year in Waco when the three leaders -- Prime Minister Martin, at the time, President Fox and President Bush -- announced a new initiative, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, among the three nations. And this is a way to build upon our efforts to really make sure that North America is more integrated and remains competitive in this global changing economy that we live in. So they're going to talk about concrete ways that we can move forward on the security and prosperity partnership. And the President looks forward to those discussions with the other two leaders.
In terms of Canada, this will be the President's first meeting with Prime Minister Harper since he took office -- he had met with him briefly previously when he was the opposition leader. And each of these relationships -- the relationship with Mexico, the relationship with Canada -- is a unique relationship. We've had good relations with both countries. And the President looks forward to visiting with Prime Minister Martin [sic] and strengthening our relations. So he very much looks forward to this trip.
I wonder what McClellan's boss, President Clinton, thinks of this. Does he know the name of our prime minister? Our current prime minister? McClellan got it right once in four tries. One reference to Martin was right -- see the second paragraph.
But so much for Harper's Bush-friendly attempts to cozy up to the U.S. You'd think the president's press secretary and chief spokesman would know the name of our recently-elected Conservative prime minister, eh?
We Canadians never much appreciate the ignorance and indifference of our American friends, but ignorance and indifference inadvertently directed at Prime Minister Harper, of whom I am not a supporter (see here and here), leaves me quite amused.
(Thanks for the tip, Steve!)
See if you can spot the gross ignorance/indifference. This is from Scott McClellan's Tuesday press briefing:
Q: Can you talk a little bit more about Cancun and the other side of the talks, with Canada -- border, immigration? Are those high priorities?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, this will be -- you're talking about Canada? I mean, the President had a -- first of all, had a good discussion with Prime Minister Martin [sic] yesterday. That was a call that Prime Minister Martin [sic] initiated, really to thank the President on behalf of the people of Canada for the efforts of our coalition forces, our American forces, part of the coalition, to rescue the hostages last week, including one Canadian.
But I think that when you're looking at this trip, first of all, it was last year in Waco when the three leaders -- Prime Minister Martin, at the time, President Fox and President Bush -- announced a new initiative, the Security and Prosperity Partnership, among the three nations. And this is a way to build upon our efforts to really make sure that North America is more integrated and remains competitive in this global changing economy that we live in. So they're going to talk about concrete ways that we can move forward on the security and prosperity partnership. And the President looks forward to those discussions with the other two leaders.
In terms of Canada, this will be the President's first meeting with Prime Minister Harper since he took office -- he had met with him briefly previously when he was the opposition leader. And each of these relationships -- the relationship with Mexico, the relationship with Canada -- is a unique relationship. We've had good relations with both countries. And the President looks forward to visiting with Prime Minister Martin [sic] and strengthening our relations. So he very much looks forward to this trip.
I wonder what McClellan's boss, President Clinton, thinks of this. Does he know the name of our prime minister? Our current prime minister? McClellan got it right once in four tries. One reference to Martin was right -- see the second paragraph.
But so much for Harper's Bush-friendly attempts to cozy up to the U.S. You'd think the president's press secretary and chief spokesman would know the name of our recently-elected Conservative prime minister, eh?
We Canadians never much appreciate the ignorance and indifference of our American friends, but ignorance and indifference inadvertently directed at Prime Minister Harper, of whom I am not a supporter (see here and here), leaves me quite amused.
(Thanks for the tip, Steve!)
Ha! I saw that the other night on some show and totally cracked up. The fact that he corrected himself and then reverted to using the wrong name was especially funny. Well, it's an improvement on Prime Minister Poutine, I guess. ;-)
Red Tory, at 11:49 AM
Good God, that's funny.
Laura, at 3:44 PM
Joe who ??
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
This is my cue to once again apologize to our northern neighbors for the hamfisted tactics of the idiots in charge.
I apologize.
In his defense, Li'l Scotty's mom has had so many surnames he may not have realized that different names can mean actual different people.
That probably doesn't help much, does it?
boadicea, at 5:29 PM
"We Canadians never much appreciate the ignorance and indifference of our American friends"
Dear friend, and fellow North American, please accept apologies for the ignorance and indiffernece of United States Republicans.
Why do Canadians, who live in North America, call U.S. citizens, who live in the United States, Americans? Just because so many U.S. citizens think "America" exists only south of Canada and north of Mexico does not mean the rest of the World needs to adopt our arrogant use of language, does it?
Anonymous, at 5:57 PM
Three things:
1) The Kos toadying at the top is, well, over the top. It's embarrassing.
2) It was obviously a slip of the tongue and not a case of him "not knowing" who Harper was. The guy is a press spokesman and for some months the PM was Martin. Okay, so he messed up. Who wouldn't now and then in McClellan's position?
3) I'm really happy all you good liberals know who the Prime Minister of Canada is, but just in case there is any confusion, repeat after me:
"Prime Minster Steven Harper, Conservative Party of Canada."
Anonymous, at 6:07 PM
And leader of a MINORITY parliament in a country where 75% of the people didn't vote for him.
BWA HA HA.... can't wait for the summer election.
CPC hacks are such retards.
Anonymous, at 6:40 PM
Ya, as a Canadian - I will say this to that - Mr. Harper's government received less than 33% of the vote. Canada is NOT turning "Red" or whatever you bigoted freaks call it. Canada had an issue with the party in power and kicked them out (temporarily). Nobody here in Canada wants the Torries to stay in power for very long. All we wanted to do was punish the Liberals. They will be back, and then the Torries can go back to having only (selfish) Alberta in their pockets.
The Liberal party and the Socialist party got >15% MORE votes than the Conservatives, who were helped IMMENSELY by Liberal voters staying home or voting in protest for the opposition (Torries) - including myself.
Canada will NEVER be conservative like the US is. And any Canadian who wants us to be more like the Republican US (less than 5% overall) would be better to move to Indiana, because it ain't gonna happen up here.
They are a minority government and will soon give the reigns back to the Liberals.
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM
Who is the prime minister of Canada? Why, it's Prime Minister Jean Poutine!
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
Hey, at least he didn't mention my name...my namesake was a bit unpopular...
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM
As for the use of the term "American" to mean United States citizens -- I hear people complain about it, but they never give examples of other countries which incorporate the word America as part of the name of the *country*.
The correct term for people who come from North America is North Americans, not just Americans. People who come from South America are South Americans, etc. And people who come from the United States of America are Americans. That in no way amounts to a claim that the United States is the same as all of North America.
Anonymous, at 12:46 AM
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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Anonymous, at 10:58 PM
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