Exploiting disaster: McCain, Gustav, and the 2008 Republican Convention
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Hurricane Gustav is set to hit the Gulf Coast tomorrow, disrupting plans for the Republican Convention and prompting McCain to order changes to the program. Indeed, according to McCain -- as reported by CNN in an awful article that reads more like a GOP press release (Hullabaloo's tristero says it "[i]t sounds like a trial balloon, to test how the idea of a telethon might play") -- the Convention will be a "call to the nation for action," not the usual "celebratory event."
Yes, you can always count on the Republicans to try to score political points from disaster (see 9/11). "Look," they will say, "we are putting politics aside and doing what needs to be done in a time of crisis," a message that will feed right into the McCain "bipartisan maverick" mythology. And the media will lap it up, as usual.
As TPM's Will Thomas suggests, "this is one of those times when political posturing aligns with the right thing to do." After all, McCain and the Republicans have to respond to Gustav in some way. Doing nothing -- and going ahead with the Convention as planned -- would leave them open to post-Katrina-like charges of arrogance and insensitivity. So it is no doubt for the best that Bush (trying to look presidential and avoid repeating post-Katrina blunders) and Cheney have decided (for now) not to show up and that the party is changing the program.
"That being said," Thomas continues,
So while Obama is actually doing something productive in anticipation of what is to come, McCain and Palin are exploiting the situation with a trip to the region. There has even been talk, believe it or not, of McCain giving his acceptance speech next Thursday "from the devastation zone."
Which would take the exploitation, photo ops and all, to an even more appalling low.
Anything for Bush, McCain, and the Republicans to look like they care.
Hurricane Gustav is set to hit the Gulf Coast tomorrow, disrupting plans for the Republican Convention and prompting McCain to order changes to the program. Indeed, according to McCain -- as reported by CNN in an awful article that reads more like a GOP press release (Hullabaloo's tristero says it "[i]t sounds like a trial balloon, to test how the idea of a telethon might play") -- the Convention will be a "call to the nation for action," not the usual "celebratory event."
Yes, you can always count on the Republicans to try to score political points from disaster (see 9/11). "Look," they will say, "we are putting politics aside and doing what needs to be done in a time of crisis," a message that will feed right into the McCain "bipartisan maverick" mythology. And the media will lap it up, as usual.
As TPM's Will Thomas suggests, "this is one of those times when political posturing aligns with the right thing to do." After all, McCain and the Republicans have to respond to Gustav in some way. Doing nothing -- and going ahead with the Convention as planned -- would leave them open to post-Katrina-like charges of arrogance and insensitivity. So it is no doubt for the best that Bush (trying to look presidential and avoid repeating post-Katrina blunders) and Cheney have decided (for now) not to show up and that the party is changing the program.
"That being said," Thomas continues,
I find it disturbing that McCain and Palin have decided to go down to Mississippi this week. A trip like this is worse than opportunism. Let us not forget that McCain doesn't travel alone; he brings along staff and Secret Service agents, all of whom require the time and attention of local officials. The situation is reminiscent of Rumsfeld's infamous 9/11 response to rush outside the Pentagon and give orders: the images on TV inspire confidence, at least until one remembers that our leaders are neglecting the responsibilities that are truly meant to keep us safe.
Neither McCain nor Palin offer any unique advantage to New Orleans with their presence -- they are not Southern politicians, they don't have any particularly useful contacts in the area and they aren't emergency responders. (Meanwhile, Obama will not travel to the region but has said he will use his fundraiser lists to coordinate volunteers once damage is assessed.) However, McCain could be particularly helpful from his Senate position, if he so chose.
So while Obama is actually doing something productive in anticipation of what is to come, McCain and Palin are exploiting the situation with a trip to the region. There has even been talk, believe it or not, of McCain giving his acceptance speech next Thursday "from the devastation zone."
Which would take the exploitation, photo ops and all, to an even more appalling low.
Anything for Bush, McCain, and the Republicans to look like they care.
Labels: 2008 Republican Convention, Barack Obama, Hurricane Gustav, John McCain, Sarah Palin
You are an absolutely transparent fucking asshole. You know better, and you KNOW what you're trying to pull. If the Republican Convention had moved forward unaltered, you would have been one of the first ones SCREAMING about their insensitivity. You really are a useless piece of shit, and should stick to talking about Canadian politics. As far as I'm concerned, since you're not an American, this election is none of your fucking business. STAY OUT!
Anonymous, at 5:53 PM
Wow, what fascinating representative of the dregs of humanity pass through our corner of the blogosphere. It's obvious you're just a partisan jackass incapable of understanding even basic points. Was I criticizing the GOP for altering the program? Hardly. I was criticizing McCain for going down to Mississippi on a campaign stop. There's no need for him to do it, but he's doing it to score political points. If you can't even see that, you're more of a fucking idiot that your comments suggest.
As for your comment about me being Canadian, well, I don't fucking care what you think. Besides, the U.S. makes everying and everyone around the world part of its business. So I don't give a shit if my caring about American politics bothers you. The fact that you're so upset about it suggests derangement, that's all.
So why don't you just go back to hanging around your fellow right-wing morons. I'm sure you'll find your appropriate level of intellect there.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 9:06 PM
Oh, and you might want to tone down your insular, "if you're not American, keep out" bullshit. You're giving your fellow Americans a bad name. And, really, the U.S. can ill-afford to look even worse around the world.
Then again, you may just be a pathetic blog troll, but you're a fine representative of Bush's America. I give you that.
Michael J.W. Stickings, at 9:11 PM
Considering how Canada holds our future drinking water, especially if you live west of the Rockies, you might want to be a little less judgemental of their right to their opinion and their investment in our political process, dickhead.
Carl, at 7:44 AM
I'm still struggling with the "transparent asshole" metaphor but perhaps it's not really to be understood as more than sound and fury.
So then Aninnymouse, I can just assume my conclusion as you do and say that if Jesus, socialist that he was, were to run as a Democrat, you'd call him a transparent asshole too.
Why is it that you hate Jesus so much? You're probably an Islamic insurgent who hates us for our freedom as well.
It's good to know with certainty what we're dealing with here.
Capt. Fogg, at 9:56 AM
Hey Anonymous
What's your trick? How do you do it?
How are you able to write, so articulately, with your head up your ass?
13909 Antiques, at 10:26 AM
It is so sad to see that some American/republicans get so defensive about their politics when majority of the time? They do not even know to give proper directions in their own city. As a Canadian myself, i am interested in the U.S politics. For one, I am sad for all my friends that have been unemployed for so long, or the ones that have to sell their home for more than less of their original purchase. I am sad that when I visit the states, every commercial advertisement on the radio is about purchasing an american flag because the flag is what will keep this country together right? Because cities like Boston are so segregated they ight as well have public schools for hispanics, black & whites.
Im am amazed that war is still a priority for McCain which in the end was the current bush started to finish off what his father couldn't.
Reagan was a great republican president, no doubt about it. but after 2 bush's no McCain can ever be that Reagan again. And jesus was a socialist and yet more republicans are christians? Canada relies alot on the U.S and we have that stupid free trade agreement which our former prime minister and Bush then created. So now, if you guys are doing bad, we are to, well luckily not these past 8 years. And many Americans live and work here just for the free healthcare.
So before you get on here and started calling people names like Fucking Asshole, stop and think and re-evaluate who you really are because if my country was surrounded by much ignorance like yourself? id be purchasing a one way ticket out.
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
Obama may not have the experience? But give me the experience aside from starting war in Iraq that Bush had?
2 Little too late!! Katrina was an embarassment and a disaster that the entire world witnessed. By showing up during this convention proves nothing to myself and I am sure many others. If Bush had a choice not to even bother, he wouldnt care any less then he did back then. He's only doing it for McCain which in the end really only cares to finish off Iraq .
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM
To the anonymous on top of this list...
Dude I'm an American and I DO RECOGNIZE the right of other nations to have a word in our politics. American politics and desicion making proceses affects the rest of the world dramatically and as long as what we do here affects them over there they have the right to express their opinion.
You sound like an Alabama hillbillie whos world is just the little town, the whiskey drinking and the confederate flag on your pick up truck...
Spend some money and travel, learn and learn. America, as important to the world as it is, is not the world, the world is much more than America and as far as you can't understand that you will always be the Alabama hillbillie...
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM
I spent time here in Canada watching McCain's speech last night. I am hoping that many americans/republicans paid very close attention to his speech. He mentioned that you and your doctor should not have a beaurocrat btwn you. Meaning government style healthcare is not right. But an insurance company with unexperienced workers should determine weather you should have care or not. That a claim for your health should be the same thing as claiming for your stolen vehicle.
Last night i went to the emergency room here in canada for a kidney infection, and there was a man from California who picked up the invoice and receipt from here to submit to his insurance company. His wife was baffled that no one had to pay for anything here. Also, they did not make him pay up front here first. And the total price to treat him for 6 hours? 484.00 dollars!! So fellow republicans, sometime beaurocracy btwn you and the doctor does work and is needed. Because a government healthcare system benefits the patient in many ways.
He said that Obama wants unions out of schools and we should not have unions to keep people in professions that they do not belong in. BUT PALIN WHILE INTRODUCING HER HUSBAND MENTIONED THAT HE IS A PROUD MEMBER OF THE UNITED STEEL WORKER'S UNION!! CONTRADICTION OR WHAT??? This is an experienced political man who suffered in vietnam who was a prisoner??
People you need to wake up before you get all defensive!!!! Get your facts straight!! Pay attention to detail this is no joke. The next 4 years of your lives depends on these two men!!
They claim to love jesus but jesus was a socialist, he didnt believe in money, he beleieved in love and peace. That ain't republican style. He beleieved in free care cause he is the one that offered it to begin with for free!!!
Anonymous, at 10:22 AM
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