Sign of the Apocalypse #31: Britney's pro-life birth sculpture
This is Britney. Britney Spears. On a bearskin rug. Giving birth to Baby Federline. As sculpted by Daniel Edwards. According to the Post, this piece of "art" will soon be on display at Brooklyn's Capla Kesting Fine Art gallery. Next to "anti-abortion materials" as part of an exhibit called "Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston". Yes, that's right. This piece of "art" comes with a pro-life message, allegedly a non-political one. Birth = life. Or so says Mr. Edwards. But it obviously is political. Abortion is political. And what we have here is the image -- dare I say it, a quasi-pornographic image -- of Britney giving birth within the context of a pro-life, anti-abortion protest. Dress it up all you want. That's what it is.Make of it what you will. There is something profoundly beautiful about the human form. And about a woman giving birth. Yet this piece of "art" seems rather tasteless, rather kitschy. And using it to express a political message makes it all the more ugly. Is it a Sign of the Apocalypse? Put all the elements together -- a pop star on the decline, a culture of trash, humorously vulgar "art" (why the bearskin?), and a contrived political message -- and I'm sure that it is.
Don't take the fine art too serious
The New Art Market does not take it's self to serious, Its here now not gone tomorrow but some time in the future. Thinking about art now its about being playful fun, colour light and how that complement space, effects people mood in my case when I produce art It has an uplifting positive impact to the onlookers, and takes them out of reality into fantasy maybe for just a minute.
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM
Since when do women give birth in that postion? Looks like the "artist" got the procreative act mixed up with the obstetrical...
Anonymous, at 6:46 PM
Maybe this is what Britney imagined the birth would be like. All sexed up on a bear skin rug; poised to pop that kid out like a champ. Its to bad that in the real world she had a c-section....
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM
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cicicocuk, at 5:15 PM
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Lida Dai Dai Hua Jiao Nang Seo Yarışması
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Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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Anonymous, at 10:57 PM
Did Ms. Spears give birth to all this mercandise?
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM
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