Reaction to the news: Olmert, Taylor, and Livingstone
I don't have the time to comment properly on these stories right now, but they're all worth following. All links are to The Washington Post:
-- Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party (founded by Ariel Sharon) won the most Knesset seats in Tuesday's Israeli elections (28 of 120). Israel uses a List-PR (proportional representation) electoral system, with seats apportioned according to the popular vote. Olmert will now look to build a governing coalition, likely with Amir Peretz's Labour Party. (For more, see here.)
-- Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has been arrested in Nigeria. He was trying to leave the country after President Olusegun Obasanjo agreed to hand him over to international authorities: "So ended, for now anyway, the political career of one of the most-wanted men in the world, a charismatic warlord-turned-president-turned-fugitive who finished the day in the custody of a U.N.-backed tribunal that has indicted him on 11 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his long reign of terror across this fragile region." (For more, see here.)
-- On a lighter note, London Mayor Ken Livingstone called U.S. Ambassador Robert Holmes Tuttle "a chiselling little crook" and a "car salesman" on Monday. It's all about traffic congestion fees. (For more, see here.)
-- Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party (founded by Ariel Sharon) won the most Knesset seats in Tuesday's Israeli elections (28 of 120). Israel uses a List-PR (proportional representation) electoral system, with seats apportioned according to the popular vote. Olmert will now look to build a governing coalition, likely with Amir Peretz's Labour Party. (For more, see here.)
-- Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has been arrested in Nigeria. He was trying to leave the country after President Olusegun Obasanjo agreed to hand him over to international authorities: "So ended, for now anyway, the political career of one of the most-wanted men in the world, a charismatic warlord-turned-president-turned-fugitive who finished the day in the custody of a U.N.-backed tribunal that has indicted him on 11 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his long reign of terror across this fragile region." (For more, see here.)
-- On a lighter note, London Mayor Ken Livingstone called U.S. Ambassador Robert Holmes Tuttle "a chiselling little crook" and a "car salesman" on Monday. It's all about traffic congestion fees. (For more, see here.)
Re: Charles Taylor.
I raised this question over at my blog, but perhaps someone here has a good perspective on it.
Taylor was a bad guy, no question. And it does the heart good to see bad guys brought to justice.
But he was given asylum in 2003 as part of a deal to end the Liberian civil war. What the world has now done is renege on that deal.
If tyrants cannot trust offers of asylum, they will reject them. And future conflicts may end up being longer and bloodier than they needed to be.
It always bugged me to read about Idi Amin enjoying a comfortable exile, but that seemed a better alternative than allowing him to pile up more victims as ruler of Uganda.
So I hope this move doesn't come back one day to bite us on our collective kiesters.
Sean Aqui, at 11:12 AM
As part of his agreement, he was not to be involved in the affairs of Liberia. There is indisputable proof that he broke his end of the bargain so he was of first breach. He will get his just deserts.
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
If so, then it's all good. But so far I've seen a lot of accusations and no proof.
Sean Aqui, at 4:43 PM
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Anonymous, at 10:56 PM
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