Wayne's World - excellent!

Wayne’s Word!!
Party Time!!
I swear it is getting nearly impossible to continue writing about gun control. The conversation, since Newtown, has just been off the charts ridiculous. Today, Wayne LaPierre, chief executive of the National Rifle Association, “will tell members of Congress…that law-abiding gun owners will not accept blame for the acts of violent of deranged criminals…and the government should not “dictate what we can lawfully own and use to protect our families.”
There are two things totally insane about these two statements. The first is the part about law-abiding gun owners not accepting blame for the acts of violent of deranged criminals. Now, correct me please, but haven’t all of the mass murderers of late been law abiding? That is to say, weren’t all of their guns purchased legally? Does this not make them law abiding?
James Holmes – Aurora Shooter (No Wayne, not that Aurora) - “All the weapons that he possessed, he possessed legally…and all the clips that he possessed, he possessed legally. And all the ammunition that he possessed, he possessed legally.”
Jared Loughner – “The handgun used in a shooting that killed a federal judge and wounded U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was purchased legally.
Adam Lanza – “The weapons used in [the] shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. were legally purchased and registered to Nancy Lanza, the mother of the gunman.”
In fact, according to research done by a few journalists at Mother Jones, they found that “since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings.” “Of the 142 guns possessed by the killers, more than three quarters were obtained legally.”
So, Wayne, with so many violent people exercising their 2nd amendment rights with gusto, how is it that these same people are not “law abiding” gun owners? Is your argument that they were law abiding up until they pulled the trigger?
Now, with regard to the other thing you said: “and the government should not dictate what we can lawfully own and use to protect our families.” Um…Wayne, didn’t the government already dictate what we can own and use when they wrote and passed the 2nd amendment? In fact, did the founders not implicitly say that we can own muskets? Clearly the founders did not mean we have the right to own anything we wanted because they had no earthly way to know what type of arms would follow. So, since they already had muskets in mind when they wrote the 2nd amendment, that means we have the right to own them. I am pretty sure though that the founders, had they had them at the time, would not have simply allowed citizens to own whatever the hell they wanted. Or perhaps you think the founders were as insane as you?
No way….WAY?
And answer me this your heinous [uncontrolled laughter under the breath], what if the founders had gone the other way and wrote that we do not have a right to bear arms? Would this have been considered a governmental dictate? And what if the founders, with their “right to bear arms, were actually giving us the right to wear short sleeves?
Schwing! Excellent!
What is certain is that Wayne Lapierre is continuously allowed the floor to spew his thoughtlessness in the name of acquiring new members to his gun club. The media inexplicably gives him this luxury for free while Congress plays along. They are all complicit in his charade because even a politician or a journalist with half a brain could challenge him on his empty statements. Sadly, none of that will happen and we will once more be made to believe that this man is somehow joined at the hip with the founding fathers and as such the keeper of all that is right and just in the world. As for the rest of us…We’re not worthy.
Party on Wayne!
(Cross-posted at TakeMyCountryBack.)
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