Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Guns: providing freedom and taking it away since 1791

By tmcbpatriot 

Friday's atrocity is starting to sink in with each new day, and it just gets worse and worse. I have not been reading a thing about the killer or the children or that crazed woman who birthed this maniac. I can't. I think I hit my limit with this one. I honestly have to look away. Even reading the news is hard because every story is interspersed with a photo of a dead child who was my son's age. I stare at him while he is eating dinner and try not to imagine, but it just creeps in there and I have to push it away. 

Now, I expected the nuts to come out swinging after this insanity and say their usual line about how it's not guns that kill people, it's people. Guns, they say, have nothing to do with it. It is an incredible feat of the brain to come up with such a theory. To say it without even the slightest sense of awareness or irony is simply chilling and maddening to say the least. These people go on to make comparisons saying things like pencils don't make typos, writers do, or cars don't crash into trees, drivers do. One nut on my blog said this in the comments of my previous post:

Those guns killed no one, the mental missfit tool holding them did, the black trench coat, black brief case carrying tard killed those people and your liberal stench enables whackos like this to roam freely all amongst the general population. You dont like guns, MOVE.

I dare not ask this insane person what happens to me if I don't move. My guess is that he would shoot me.

Another comment I received said the following:

Instead of getting guns out. bring God back in. take away cars too to stop drunk drivers.. give me a break pansy man up and open your blinded sheep eyes. the government stooped real low lately to get "gun control" in effect. next they'll be putting chips in you to make sure they know where your at, at all times. and if you protest anything you don't agree with thanks to"freedom of speech" your a terrorist. enjoy your communist socialist new world government.

Sure, it's incoherent, but what do you expect from the folks who brought us what happened in Newtown? These psychos have been railing since Friday about how we need more guns, not fewer. One insane person went so far as to suggest that what we need is to get rid of all gun laws entirely. No, seriously.

For the right wing, not even the senseless murder of kindergartners can stop these people from breathing their hate and paranoia into our lives. I wish there were truly a way to outlaw guns, even though I don't expect much to come of it. Trying to amend the Constitution would be a Herculean task that nobody would ever entertain. I just wish the people who write and speak such ignorant hate and who do so while hiding behind the Constitution would come to understand and realize that guns do not bring freedom anymore. That may very well have been the case in 1790. Today, however, a gun's only purpose is to rip those freedoms away from us... permanently!

Sure, it took a person to pull the trigger. But to say that "those guns killed no one" or that the government is trying to destroy our freedom as a result of gun control is just plain wrong. I am so sure of it that I am willing to bet those two commenters on my blog that there are twenty children, six adults, and more parents and siblings than I have the mental capacity to wrap my head around who would agree with me. On that much I am absolutely certain. 

(Cross-posted at Take My Country Back.)

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