John Sununu goes racist in post-debate victory parade
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Throughout the campaign, John Sununu, one of Romney's chief surrogates, has done something that Romney himself cannot, or at least not openly, and that's play the race card on President Obama -- or, rather, the racist card.
You may recall what he said back in July (channelling the likes of Donald Trump):
Obama the the un-American, the anti-American -- because he was born in Hawaii, which apparently isn't part of Sununu's America, and spent some of his early years, through no choice of his own, in Indonesia, which is way far away and so very strange and different. Oh, and because he's black.
Well, the odiousness continued yesterday, with Sununu holding nothing back:
He might as well have dropped an n-bomb and called him a welfare queen.
I'm with Balloon Juice's Tom Levenson on this:
Apparently Sununu, like Romney himself, can't let even a day of good news go by without fucking up and revealing his -- and the campaign's -- true colors.
Here's Sununu, in all his odious glory:
Throughout the campaign, John Sununu, one of Romney's chief surrogates, has done something that Romney himself cannot, or at least not openly, and that's play the race card on President Obama -- or, rather, the racist card.
You may recall what he said back in July (channelling the likes of Donald Trump):
He has no idea how the American system functions. And we shouldn't be surprised about that, because he spent his early years in Hawaii smoking something, spent the next set of years in Indonesia, another set of years in Indonesia, and, frankly, when he came to the U.S., he worked as a community organizer, which is a socialized structure, and then got into politics in Chicago.
Obama the the un-American, the anti-American -- because he was born in Hawaii, which apparently isn't part of Sununu's America, and spent some of his early years, through no choice of his own, in Indonesia, which is way far away and so very strange and different. Oh, and because he's black.
Well, the odiousness continued yesterday, with Sununu holding nothing back:
Mitt Romney campaign co-chair and former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu (R) appeared on Fox News on Thursday and took a victory lap following last night's first presidential debate.
Sununu described Obama's performance as "babbling," "lazy," and "disengaged," and dismissed the possibility that he could do better in the future. "When you're not that bright you can't get better prepared," he said.
During a separate interview on MSNBC, Sununu doubled down on the characterization. "I think you saw him admit it the night before when he delivered the pizzas. He said, you know, they're making me do this work. He didn't want to prepare for this debate. He's lazy and disengaged."
He might as well have dropped an n-bomb and called him a welfare queen.
I'm with Balloon Juice's Tom Levenson on this:
Sununu wasn’t really blowing a dog whistle. He just about stood on top of the bar and trumpeted the noun we all can hear lurking right behind the adjective.
Here we see again what's been apparent for some time: the Romney campaign has clearly set itself the goal of out-George Wallace-ing the entire GOP primary field as it looks for ways to remind the electorate that the 44th president of the United States is, you know, an African-American man.
Apparently Sununu, like Romney himself, can't let even a day of good news go by without fucking up and revealing his -- and the campaign's -- true colors.
Here's Sununu, in all his odious glory:
Labels: 2012 election, 2012 presidential debates, Barack Obama, debates, John Sununu, Mitt Romney, racism
That's Welfare Pimp to you!
Frankly Curious, at 3:01 PM
You've got some real treasures in your politics haven't you? Sununu must be up there with the absolute best as a 24 carat aerosol with diamonds glistening from his fundament. It's envy really - the best we can do in the UK is a snivelling used car rep called Farage who heads up the anti EU falange called UKIP.
Richard T, at 9:05 AM
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