Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Domestic terrorism defined

Reading about the latest massacre by yet another white man with a gun. An ex-soldier no less. Hmmm... why is it that I recall a story about soldiers coming home with itchy trigger fingers. Maybe I imagined it. 

It's getting to the point where we may be profiling the wrong people at airports. Funny thing, though. This latest slaughter is being called "domestic terrorism." I guess because the shooter killed a bunch of dark-skinned people who looked Muslim? Forget that he was probably too dumb to know the difference between Sikhs and al Qaeda. To him they had skin a few shades in the wrong direction and he had free access to guns. Put those two together and you have good ol' fashioned Americana!

What is different about this latest shooting, though, that puts him in a higher class of killer than that movie theater guy? I mean, fewer people were killed. You would think this latest senseless bloodbath was just like any other. Except, you would be wrong. This massacre was special. Why? Because in America it is important that we classify things in order to make sense of them.

Here, let me lay it out for you:

If a dark skinned Muslim, or somebody who looks Muslim, shoots anybody or anything for any reason, it's domestic terrorism. At the same time, if a white man shoots dark-skinned people, they must look Muslim for him to be a domestic terrorist. This is a key differentiator. Otherwise, he just shot regular black people. That alone does not get you that title.

Now, if you are white and shoot random people of any color, so long as it is mixed and more white people die over any other race, then you are simply a deranged individual who was probably neglected or sexually abused as a chile. Better yet, you may even be autistic. On the other hand, if you are just a run-of-the-mill dark-skinned person and you do not fit the stereotype of a Muslim and you shoot white people, then you are to be jailed immediately and considered the product of the welfare state and discarded.

Still with me? Because we are not quite done.

If you are white and shoot non-Muslim-looking black people, then you are simply a racist. If you are black and shoot other blacks, well, that's just Tuesday.

Lastly, and we want to be all-inclusive here, if you are Asian and you shoot people, then you are pretty much an Apple employee who cracked under the pressure of poor working conditions and low pay. And just to be fair, Indians have been left off the list because I can't recall any cases where they went berserk. Well, maybe this one time. But does that really count?

Bottom line is, guns don't kill people, nicely categorized races of people kill people. And you know what else? If only those poor Sikhs had had guns, this latest deranged shooter could have been stopped before he got started. Isn't that right, Mr. Nugent?

Or would it be more likely that we would be reading about even more dead people due to their shitty aim and zero experience killing another human being? It makes no difference, though. Just like the nut in Colorado, this too will fade away and we will go on about our business until the next one.

I just hope when it happens again that it is easy to categorize. Otherwise we might have to finally do something about this.

Perish the thought.

(Cross-posted at Take My Country Back.)

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