The Rolling Stones are going back into the studio
By Richard K. Barry
Whenever I hear snarky comments about aging rock and rollers, I have to wonder what these critics expect. What's the difference how old they are if they still want to make music and are capable of getting it done. I don't even care if Mick Jagger wants to strut around on stage like a peacock at almost 70. Good for him. It's as if some people think playing rock and roll after a certain age is a crime against nature.
Hey kiddies, guess what else your parents and grandparents are still doing.
So Ronnie Woods says the Rolling Stones will be meeting in a recording studio later this month "to just throw some ideas around." Sounds like a great life.
There's only one alternative to getting older, and that's not getting older. Go for it lads!
(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)
Whenever I hear snarky comments about aging rock and rollers, I have to wonder what these critics expect. What's the difference how old they are if they still want to make music and are capable of getting it done. I don't even care if Mick Jagger wants to strut around on stage like a peacock at almost 70. Good for him. It's as if some people think playing rock and roll after a certain age is a crime against nature.
Hey kiddies, guess what else your parents and grandparents are still doing.
So Ronnie Woods says the Rolling Stones will be meeting in a recording studio later this month "to just throw some ideas around." Sounds like a great life.
There's only one alternative to getting older, and that's not getting older. Go for it lads!
(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)
Labels: music
The likes of Pete Seeger (age 92), Leonard Cohen (age 77) and Cecil Taylor (age 83) are still going strong. I'd take any of their work (including their latter day work) over anything that has appeared on the Billboard chart in the past 20 years.
Will Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake be remembered 50 years from now?
The fact that Britney sells more records in one month than Taylor has in his entire career makes me doubt the existence of God.
Marc McDonald, at 4:43 PM
Nice post which Whenever I hear snarky comments about aging rock and rollers, I have to wonder what these critics expect. What's the difference how old they are if they still want to make music and are capable of getting it done. Thanks a lot for posting this article.
Julie, at 8:27 AM
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