Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Behind the Ad - Obama's third fact-check video on Romney

By Richard K. Barry

Who: The Obama/Biden Campaign

Where: Nationally

What's going on: The Obama/Biden campaign team have, in my estimation, hit on a great approach by simply comparing presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's words to the facts. After his recent speech to the NRA, they put this ad together, the third in a series, designed to ensure that Romney won't just be able to make up shit, which seems to be his general approach.

I know a lot of people are cynical about politics, and simply assume that politicians will frequently bend the truth. But Romney takes that to a whole different level so it will be important to compare his words to reality as often as possible.

I don't know how effective theses ads will  be. One thing that is often said in politics is that negative characterizations of one's opponent only stick if a lot of people are predisposed to believe them, i.e., if a pattern has been established. I would say that a lot of people are predisposed to believe that Mitt Romney is unusually dishonest.

(Cross-posted at Lippmann's Ghost.)


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