Quote of the Day: Nancy Pelosi on health-care reform
This is encouraging.
You go through the gate. If the gate's closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we'll pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we'll parachute in. But we're going to get health care reform passed for the American people.
The Republicans are manning the ramparts, guarding the unjust, unfair, corrupt, expensive, and disease-ridden status quo with all their obstructionist might.
But there are far more Democrats than Republicans, and there's a Democrat in the White House, and, while I hope that Pelosi's words reflect a newfound confidence and courage among Democrats, it's pretty clear -- and pretty easy, if Democrats just stick together for once -- what needs to be done.
Pass the damn bill, the (flawed) Senate bill, then use reconciliation to make it better.
Seriously. Do it.
Labels: health-care reform, Nancy Pelosi, quote of the day
Rather, pass the FIXES to the Senate bill, send them to the Senate to be passed under reconcilliation, and only then, pass the Senate bill in the House. The package then goes to Obama to be signed in reverse order, the Senate bill, then the fixes.
That's the ONLY way to do it. The Senate cannot be trusted and if the House simply passes the bill without the fixes already in place, the fixes will never happen and we will be left with a mess that is arguably worse than the status quo.
Greg, at 1:04 PM
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
So far I am not convinced that Pelosi has suddenly gained confidence. The statement quoted and her statement that Obama's state of the union address has helped her imply false bravado on her part. However, by deflecting some of the focus from heath care in the address, Obama has probably provided breathing room to Pelosi and that is valuable.
Wellescent Health, at 2:00 PM
Dear Mike
Your views are in the minority.
To use Nancy Pelosi's own words against her and the others in Washington.
We the people are giving Washington fair notice!!
We'll go through the gate. If its closed we'll over the fence. If the fence is too high we'll pole vault in. If that doesn't work we'll parachute in. But we are going to remove DISHONEST Politicans from their seats in Washington. November is coming!!
A Constitution Believer
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
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