Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bush's Supreme Court strikes again

By Creature

Unrestricted corporate spending in campaigns. We are all shareholders now (except without the dividends, the capital gains, and any say about how the United Corporation States of America will be run). This is just great.

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  • Yeah, 2 out of 9 justices appointed by Bush, and a Ford appointee in the dissent. Besides, just THINK how much money the unions will give to Democrats, not to mention the Jewish controlled corporations on Wall Street like Gioldman Sachs.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:50 PM  

  • Actually, the chief justice appointed by Bush, who shifted the Court well to the right of where it was. Will unions give to Democrats? Sure, some of them will. But this decision essentially turns America into a corporatocracy... although, it is already, pretty much.

    And it's always fun to undermine your whole point with a touch of anti-Semitism, isn't it? Thanks.

    By Blogger Michael J.W. Stickings, at 11:39 PM  

  • It's actually a compliment. Some of the funniest people I know are Jews.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:40 AM  

  • "Some of the funniest people I know are Jews."

    And ain't them darkies got rhythm?
    .. and what about them gooks -- har, har, har.

    A good number of folks at my gun club are Jews as well, Lexus-licker -- but instead of trying to pass off your nasty little psychosis as a joke, you might reflect upon your own shortcomings, if not the insult to the generation of Americans who gave their lives so that you could giggle and piss on their graves.

    Don't blame your losership on anyone but yourself. That all you have to feel good about in your miserable life is that you're not Jewish, is your own pathetic fault and no one elses.

    By Blogger Capt. Fogg, at 10:00 AM  

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