Let us pray
By Carl
Our Heavenly Father,
2,009 years ago, the Son of God was made incarnate. With this act, You renewed Your vow to mankind that You had grown up, that you had become a better God than He who destroyed mankind for being evil. That You had matured. That You had evolved. Thank you, Father.
In this holiday season, we ask You and Your Most Holy Gift to hear our prayers. At this time of the renewal of the vows of faith, we ask that You look down upon us, and help us in a critical time of need. Our planet is suffering degradations by the bucketful, and those who serve us forget that they are our servants; instead they serve mammon. We ask that You inspire them to higher goals.
We ask that you fill their hearts with the passion of position, that to do right is to do good and to do good is to do Your work here on earth.
We ask that You give us the patience to tolerate those who oppose our views with good humour and delicate persuasions. They are not many, but they are louder than they are large and in this nation, loud often substitutes for right.
We ask that You find it in his heart to fill our President with a reminder of where he came from and how hard it is, particularly now in this time of recession, for an individual to make his way thru the long cold nights and short brutal days.
We'll take care of the rest. We will feed the hungry, clothe the naked, help the poor, heal the sick. We can do that. We want to do this. We just need to move obstacles and inspire people and we know there is no rock so immovable that You cannot move it.
To Your cause, we re-dedicate ourselves. Amen.
(crossposted to Simply Left Behind)
Our Heavenly Father,
2,009 years ago, the Son of God was made incarnate. With this act, You renewed Your vow to mankind that You had grown up, that you had become a better God than He who destroyed mankind for being evil. That You had matured. That You had evolved. Thank you, Father.
In this holiday season, we ask You and Your Most Holy Gift to hear our prayers. At this time of the renewal of the vows of faith, we ask that You look down upon us, and help us in a critical time of need. Our planet is suffering degradations by the bucketful, and those who serve us forget that they are our servants; instead they serve mammon. We ask that You inspire them to higher goals.
We ask that you fill their hearts with the passion of position, that to do right is to do good and to do good is to do Your work here on earth.
We ask that You give us the patience to tolerate those who oppose our views with good humour and delicate persuasions. They are not many, but they are louder than they are large and in this nation, loud often substitutes for right.
We ask that You find it in his heart to fill our President with a reminder of where he came from and how hard it is, particularly now in this time of recession, for an individual to make his way thru the long cold nights and short brutal days.
We'll take care of the rest. We will feed the hungry, clothe the naked, help the poor, heal the sick. We can do that. We want to do this. We just need to move obstacles and inspire people and we know there is no rock so immovable that You cannot move it.
To Your cause, we re-dedicate ourselves. Amen.
(crossposted to Simply Left Behind)
"They are not many, but they are louder than they are large and in this nation, loud often substitutes for right."
Carl, if your characterizing secular humanists in this way, or indeed people of other religions, theistic, polytheistic and atheistic, you should know that nobody has any less will to do good to others and many do it without the expectation of heavenly reward.
Remember that since a majority of Americans profess some sort of Christianity, "might makes right" means that a few peeps from the bullied and beat up minorities seem loudest to those who will not listen. From where I am, all I can hear is the roar of the majority.
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