Must Read! ... "A Beer with Obama"
By J. Thomas Duffy
John Kenney, over at The New Yorker, has a most humorous post up riffing on last night's beer-and-pony show.
Here's a snip:
"A Beer with Obama"
There's much more, so go read John Kenney's "A Beer with Obama"... It's hysterical!

(Cross-posted at The Garlic.)
John Kenney, over at The New Yorker, has a most humorous post up riffing on last night's beer-and-pony show.
Here's a snip:
"A Beer with Obama"
The Oval Office. Late. President Obama sits across from Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Officer James Crowley, who share a couch. They sit amidst several empty beer bottles. No one’s wearing shoes.
OBAMA: I like giving speeches. I like press conferences.
CROWLEY: You give a lot of press conferences. Maybe, like, too many?
GATES: I think he’s right. Maybe don’t give so many.
OBAMA: But you should see the speeches I have lined up. They’re all so…emotional. I’ve got a new one on infrastructure that quotes Rosa Parks for no reason. But it makes you cry.
There's much more, so go read John Kenney's "A Beer with Obama"... It's hysterical!

(Cross-posted at The Garlic.)
Labels: Barack Obama, Henry Louis Gates Jr.
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