Friday, May 15, 2009

Jack Bauer had nothing to do with it

By Creature

As it becomes increasingly clear that Dick Cheney ordered detainees to be tortured not because there was a time-bomb ticking somewhere in America, as the torture apologist are so fond to argue, but because he was trying to justify his illegal war against Saddam Hussein by coercing a confession about Saddam's ties with al-Qaeda, Steve Benen asks the right question: "Are the same torture apologists we've heard from lately willing to also accept "extracting false confessions" as a reasonable justification?"

This is the question that must be asked to all apologists moving forward. Not only will the answer prove interesting, especially from Dick Cheney, but it will keep the real reason why the Bush administration tortured at the forefront. Right now the absurd ticking-time-bomb excuse is winning the argument. That argument needs to be shifted to a playing field that isn't based upon a cheap Hollywood plot point.

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