Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Clash of the Palins

By Michael J.W. Stickings

It's amusing that 18-year-old new mom Bristol Palin now wants to be "an advocate against teen pregnancy," as ABC News puts it. But, fine, we all make mistakes, and, hopefully, most of us learn from them as well. As long as she loves her son and tries to be a good mother -- that's what matters. And if she can help teens, I'm all for it. (We're all against teen pregnancy, aren't we?)

("Like, your whole priorities change after having a baby," Bristol added. Yes, they do.)

It's much funnier -- Think Progress has the clip -- has come out against abstinence as "not realistic at all." Why so funny? Because her mother -- you know, Sarah Barracuda -- "backed an abstinence-only sex education program when she ran for governor in 2006" (ABC) and because "conservatives continue to beat the drum for abstinence-only education," in TP's words.

But Sarah and Bristol may actually see eye-to-eye on this now. "Get beyond the ideal of abstinence," Sarah said, joining the interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News. "Hey, life happens." Yes, it does. It's "[n]ot the most ideal situation, certainly you make the most of it." Yes, you should.

How refreshing it is that Sarah Palin, if only for a brief, shining moment, gave in to reality.

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