Sign of the Apocalypse #63: Virginity for sale?
By Michael J.W. Stickings
Oh, assuming this is for real (and it could very well be a money-grubbing hoax), it's also for a "study," which she claims is "completely authentic." (More here. No word on what her women's studies colleagues think of this. It's hardly liberating, even if she thinks it's about empowerment.) And it's also a SOTA:
1) If it's a hoax, it's a SOTA that it's generated such buzz.
2) If it's not a hoax, it's a SOTA that it's generated such buzz.
And it proves that:
1) Men are stupid. (Seriously, how did we get this far?)
2) Ms. "Dylan" (and this is supposedly her) is a) manipulatively resourceful; b) loathsomely self-disrespectful; or c) both.
3) Our civilization, such as it is, continues to swerve into self-destructive oblivion.
(Still, I wonder how many men out there, typically full of themselves, think that she should pay them to lose her virginity.)

A student who is auctioning her virginity to pay for a masters degree in Family and Marriage therapy has seen bidding hit £2.5million ($3.7m).
Natalie Dylan, 22, claims her offer of a one-night stand has persuaded 10,000 men to bid for sex with her.
Last September, when her auction came to light, she had received bids up to £162,000 ($243,000) but since then interest in her has rocketed.
The student who has a degree in Women's Studies insisted she was not demeaning herself.
Miss Dylan, from San Diego, California, USA, said she was persuaded to offer herself to the highest bidder after her sister Avia, 23, paid for her own degree after working as a prostitute for three weeks.
Oh, assuming this is for real (and it could very well be a money-grubbing hoax), it's also for a "study," which she claims is "completely authentic." (More here. No word on what her women's studies colleagues think of this. It's hardly liberating, even if she thinks it's about empowerment.) And it's also a SOTA:
1) If it's a hoax, it's a SOTA that it's generated such buzz.
2) If it's not a hoax, it's a SOTA that it's generated such buzz.
And it proves that:
1) Men are stupid. (Seriously, how did we get this far?)
2) Ms. "Dylan" (and this is supposedly her) is a) manipulatively resourceful; b) loathsomely self-disrespectful; or c) both.
3) Our civilization, such as it is, continues to swerve into self-destructive oblivion.
(Still, I wonder how many men out there, typically full of themselves, think that she should pay them to lose her virginity.)
Labels: prostitution, sex, Sign of the Apocalypse
I have never been one of those bra burning, NOW type feminists but I have always fought for the right to equality and respect for women.
What this dumb slut fails to realize is that it is because of all the women who have fought so hard to be accepted as equals that she is even able to get an education and "sell" her virginity (which would have belonged to some male family member).
Now what will happen is some young "studs" will mix a little alcohol with that testosterone and rationalize the the girl who is refusing him sex really "wants it" and his claim will be, "Hey THEY are selling it on the internet," thus lumping all women under the dumb slut's umbrella.
rockync, at 12:36 PM
You might like this post about the apocalypse.
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
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